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Emory and Oxford Students

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Freshman Option provides Emory College and Oxford College students with a solid foundation for beginning a career as a registered nurse. This program is designed for students who wish to pursue the BSN as their first bachelor’s degree.


First, the Prerequisites

As a Freshman Option student, the first two years of general education prerequisites are taken at Emory College or Oxford College. Students may apply and be admitted to the nursing program while the prerequisites are in progress. All required courses must be completed before enrolling in the BSN program in the fall semester.

Emory and Oxford students should plan to apply to the BSN first-degree program during their 3rd semester, which typically is the fall of their sophomore year. Emory University undergraduate students applying to our BSN program will automatically be admitted to the School of Nursing if they meet certain requirements.

Second, the Nursing Education

In the remaining two years at Emory, you’ll learn the practice of nursing in clinical and classroom settings. The nursing program is designed to be completed in four semesters of full-time enrollment.

Graduates of the BSN program are eligible to take the NCLEX examination to become a Registered Nurse in any U.S. state. BSN graduates can work in a wide array of practice areas in health care and beyond.

Helen Baker
Program Director, BSN

Victoria McKinney
Program Manager, BSN

For admission questions, please email the admissions office at

Financial Aid

More than 92 percent of the students in the School of Nursing receive some type of financial assistance.

Clinical Placements

Our students train in numerous clinical sites in Atlanta and across the U.S.

Global Opportunities

At NHWSN, we are preparing nurses to become globally engaged citizens.



Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, you must submit the following items:

  • Application for Admission
  • Official transcripts from institutions outside of Emory University
  • Resume/CV
  • Optional personal statement
  • Manually waived by the Admission Team for Emory University students:
    $50 application fee and standardized test scores

Please review the Prerequisites tab to review prerequisite course requirements. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher by the start date of the BSN program. Prerequisite courses must be completed with a letter grade to receive credit. The School of Nursing does not accept pass/fail grades for prerequisite coursework nor any additional courses included in the 60-credit hour requirement.

Guaranteed Admission Criteria

Emory and Oxford students must obtain a cumulative GPA of a 3.0 to receive guaranteed admission into the BSN program. Students whose cumulative GPA is less than a 3.0 will not receive guaranteed admission and will be placed on the waitlist for further review by the Admission Committee. Additional documents, such as updated transcripts and letters of recommendation, may be requested for further review.

Application Deadlines

View application deadlines.


General Education Requirements

All first-degree BSN students must satisfy Emory University Nursing General Education Requirements (GERs) in addition to prerequisite requirements to matriculate to the School of Nursing. Students who fail to provide official transcripts showing these requirements by orientation will be removed from classes and admission will be rescinded. The Nursing Office of the Registrar has final approval of courses meeting GER and prerequisite requirements.

Emory/Oxford College students must complete all first- and second-year requirements (e.g., ECS101, HLTH100, PE). Please contact your advisor to ensure you fulfill these requirements.

Students can use the "what if" feature in Degree Tracker to view alignment with Nursing GERs and credit hour completion. Additional elective courses will be needed to meet 60 credit hours, excluding pathophysiology, pharmacology, technical, or some applied art, music, or theater courses.

Please review this guidance sheet for more details.

Prerequisites (Emory College)

The prerequisites for the BSN program include 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours of graded college course credit. Students may submit an application for admission with the courses in progress, but all prerequisites must be completed successfully by the time you plan to begin the nursing program.

Course planning will depend on your AP/IB credits, dual-enrollment credits, and what you are prepared to take in the first year or second year. The list below contains all prerequisites that must be satisfied to begin the BSN program. Students can use the "what if" feature in Degree Tracker to view alignment with Nursing GERs and credit hour completion.

Course Name Course Number
Chemistry I with lab CHEM 150 & 150L
Human Anatomy and Physiology I with lab NRSG 201
Human Anatomy and Physiology II with lab NRSG 202
Microbiology with lab NRSG 205
Clinical Nutrition NRSG 207
Intro to Stat Inference QTM 100
Human Growth and Development NRSG 200

For enrollment in NRSG 200, 201, 202, 205, or 207, our required prerequisite registration request form for fall semester will be open March 17, 2025 to March 21, 2025. This form has taken the place of permission numbers.

*Please note: Nursing and pre-nursing students will receive priority access to NRSG courses. If enrolled, you will be notified no later than March 28, 2025.

Prerequisite Registration Request Form

The completion of this form is a requirement for course enrollment. All others will immediately be placed on a waitlist. Once you have completed the form, there is no further action required on your part as all enrollment is performed in our department. You will be notified via email about upcoming enrollment or course waitlists.

Email with any questions regarding nursing prerequisite enrollment.

Prerequisites (Oxford College)

Oxford students are required to complete the General Education Plan for their first and second years and should work with their Oxford academic advisor to satisfy these requirements. As a part of the BSN first-degree requirements, students must complete 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours of graded college course credit.

Students may submit an application for admission to the BSN program with prerequisite courses in progress, but all prerequisites must be completed successfully by the time you plan to begin the nursing program.

Course planning will depend on your AP/IB credits, dual-enrollment credits, and what you are prepared to take in the first year or second year. The list below contains all prerequisites that must be satisfied to begin the BSN program. Students can use the "what if" feature in Degree Tracker to view alignment with Nursing GERs and credit hour completion.

Course Name Course Number
Chemistry with lab CHEM_OX 150 & CHEM_OX 150L
Human Anatomy and Physiology I with lab NRSG_OX 201
Human Anatomy and Physiology II with lab NRSG_OX 202
Microbiology with lab NRSG_OX 205
Clinical Nutrition NRSG_OX 207
Intro to Stat Inference QTM_OX 100
Child Development PSYCH_OX 205

Oxford Graduation Requirements

To continue to Nursing, Oxford students must complete all components of the Oxford College General Education Program. Please see all of those requirements in the Oxford catalog.

Oxford students should email for permission numbers and any questions regarding nursing prerequisite enrollment.

*Please note these courses are only available to nursing or pre-nursing students.


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