Ann-Marie Brown
Dr. Ann-Marie Brown is a Clinical Professor and has been practicing as an Acute Care Pediatric NP for many years in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit environment. She has developed and led PICU NP teams from inception to 24/7 coverage. She serves as the Specialty Director for the Acute Care Pediatric NP specialty at Emory. Her scholarship focuses on nutrition delivery in the critically ill pediatric patient, and on the scholarship of teaching.In addition, Dr. Brown is the Assistant Dean for Online Learning and Engagement. In this role she develops standardized guidelines and processes to assure the highest standards of online education are followed, keep faculty and students engaged in the learning process.

Areas of Expertise

- *Fundora, MP, Calamaro CJ, Wu Y, Brown AM, St. John A, Keiffer R, Xiang Y, Liu K, Gillespie K, Denning PW, Sanders-Lewis K, Seitter B, Bai J. Microbiome and Growth in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease. 2024 The Journal of Pediatrics. J Pediatr. 2024 Jun 27;274:114169 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2024.114169
- +Tennyson, CD, Hueckel R, Stene E & Brown AM. Navigating Social Media for Professional Development: Guidance for the Nurse Practitioner. 2024 The Nurse Practitioners. Epub ahead of print Navigating social media for professional development: Guidan... : The Nurse Practitioner (lww.com)
- *Raina R, Suchan G, Sethi SK, Soundararajan A, Brown AM, Vitale VS, Keller GL, Davenport A, Shih WV, Nada A, Irving SY, et al, Bunchman T. Nutrition in Critically Ill Children with AKI on Continuous RRT: Consensus Recommendations. 2024 Kidney 360 5: 285–309, 2024 https://doi.org/10.34067/KID.0000000000000339
- *Raina R, Suchan G, Soundararajan A, Brown AM, Davenport A, Shih WV, Nada A, Irving SY, Mannemuddhu SS, Vitale VS, Crugnale AS, Keller GL, Berry KG, Zieg J, Alhasan K, Guzzo K, Lussier NH, Yap HK, Bunchman TE & Sethi SK. Executive Summary: Nutrition in critically ill children with Acute Kidney Injury on Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy: An Integrative Review and Clinical Practice Points 2023 Nutrition epub Nov 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nut.2023.112272
- *Tuggle E, Gettis M & Brown AM, Jeter L, & Fujimoto A Effects of Gabapentin on Emergence Delirium in Pediatric Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy Patients: A Retrospective Chart Review. American Association of Nurse Anesthesia Journal 2023 91(5): 380-384.
- *+ Hueckel R, Tallent S, Sebbens D, Espinoza E & Brown AM. Expanding NP educational boundaries: social media for a journal club. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners 19(4); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2023.104548
- *Raina R, Sethi S, Soundararajan A, Brown AM, Kusumi K, VanGeest J, Bunchman T and Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy-International Collaboration of Nephrologists and Intensivist for Critical Care in Children. A survey on nutritional management of critically ill children on continuous renal replacement therapy. 2023 July Nutrition https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nut.2023.112024

I derive great pleasure in teaching, whether impromptu bedside teaching in the PICU or formal university curricula. It is immensely satisfying to "grow new colleagues", which entails far more than conveying new clinical information. Rather it includes creating a teaching environment that is student led and student driven, using active learning and simulation education to enhance their experience. It includes socialization to their new role, and requires partnership with other disciplines and health care organizations to successfully transition to the Advanced Practice role. I am always seeking innovative approaches, such as the use of social media as a global educational and professional networking tool.

My research passion is nutrition therapy in critically ill and injured children. The evidence is clear that malnourished children are at increased risk of death and worsened acute and functional outcomes. My research to date has focused on optimizing enteral nutrition delivery while minimizing complications and managing feeding intolerance symptoms. Some of my current studies are comparing continuous versus bolus feeding of children who are on a ventilator, as well as the effects of a nutrition pathway on nutrition delivery and safety outcomes of non-invasively ventilated infants and children.

Selected Awards and Honors
2024 - Distinguished Nutrition Support Nurse Service Award American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
2023 - Fellow American Society Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
2021 - Fellow American Association of Nurse Practitioners American Association of Nurse Practitioners
2018 - Excellence in Nursing Research Award Nursing Research Council, Akron Children’s Hospital
2013 - Fellow of Critical Care Medicine, American College of Critical Care Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico
2011 - Golden Key International Honor Society, Invited Membership for Academic Excellence, Akron, OH
2010 - Distinguished Alumni Award, The University of Akron College of Nursing, Akron, OH
2006 - Cameos of Caring Ambassador - Akron Children’s Hospital, University of Akron, Akron, OH
2006 - Excellence in Nursing Practice, Sigma Theta Tau - Delta Omega Chapter, University of Akron, Akron, OH
2003 - Linnea Henderson Award, Sigma Theta Tau - Delta Xi Chapter, Kent State University, Kent, OH