SON Human Resources


Our goal is to provide quality HR services that promote a work environment characterized by fair treatment of employees, open communication, personal accountability, trust, and mutual respect.

Where to find us:

We are located on the 4th floor in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing building on Emory’s main campus near the Michael Street Parking deck.

About Us

SON Human Resources works with departments on all matters related to human resources management.  Our department manages all SON Human Resources operations and processes that including hiring, performance management, salaries, and assisting departments in their staffing needs and procedures.

SON HR supports all SON employees and supervisors by supplying advice and information concerning hiring, orientation, benefits, salary, employee relations, leaves of absences, training, professional development, and separations.

Professional Development


Staff are encouraged to become involved in organizations including organizations such as Staff Council (Staff Council | Emory University | Atlanta GA). SON HR plans to maintain on file a list of staff interested in being nominated. To become involved in any of these organizations with Emory University, please contact SON HR and indicate your interest.

SON Staff Governance (SON Staff Governance ( is another organization that provides opportunities for staff to be of service.  There is an opportunity to become a member of the Staff Governance Committee.  Candidates must meet the following:

  1. Be a School of Nursing staff member.
  2. Be selected through a nomination process, in which self-nomination is allowed.
  3. A probationary period of three months of employment must be completed before a new staff member can become a part of SGC.

If you desire to help coordinate events and activities, School Life Committee might be the committee for you. School Life Committee is a school-wide body responsible for coordinating events and activities that serve the entire community of the School of Nursing, such as service projects, celebration of holidays, faculty and staff award ceremonies, and other community-based events; evaluating each event in a de-briefing session to determine success, expenses, attendance, etc. in an effort to note areas for improvement with future events. Committee membership consists of ten members of the faculty and staff with a Chair and Co-Chair who rotate every two years. If interested in joining for the 2024-2025 school year, please reach out to or  

Mentor Emory Program

The Mentor Emory program provides individuals with one-to-one partnering that enhances the growth of both the mentee and the mentor. No matter what your professional goals are or where you are in your career, you can benefit from this program.

Mentor Emory Program goals are to:

  • Foster the professional growth of both mentors and mentees
  • Provide enhanced communication and connectivity
  • Instill a sense of belonging amongst participants
  • Help Emory retain talent

View Mentor Emory Page

Professional development is one of the University’s three strategic pillars for diversity and inclusion strategy. SON encourages employees to actively pursue professional development and to reach their full potential professionally and personally.

The Staff Governance Committee

The responsibility of committee is to promote and provide professional development and individual career support to university staff through education, training, mentoring, networking, and communication.

SON Staff Governance (

Learning & Organizational Development

Emory’s Learning and Organizational Development offers an array of Learning Labs, training courses, and certificate programs.

Leadership Development

To ensure our leaders are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead, we offer several development programs for every stage of leadership.

Leadership Development | Emory University | Atlanta GA

General Courses 

You can customize your own professional development by choosing general enrollment courses from any of the following categories.

General Courses | Emory University | Atlanta GA

Supervisory Series

These short sessions cover topics such as providing feedback, motivating employees, cultivating resistance to stress, surviving work-life during a pandemic, and more.

Supervisory Series | Emory University | Atlanta GA

Administrative Professional Program

This program enables administrative staff to build professional relationships and make meaningful contributions within their careers.

Administrative Professionals | Emory University | Atlanta GA

Learning Labs

These courses are designed to help you build your skills and expand your learning in a quick and cost-effective way.

Learning Labs | Emory University | Atlanta GA

Upcoming Courses

Browse the current list of virtual and in-person courses currently being offered.

Upcoming Courses | Emory University | Atlanta GA

HR Rep

The courses below serve Emory’s community of HR Reps. HR Reps provide facilitation and support for employment functions and processes at all levels throughout the university.

Your Learning | Emory University | Atlanta GA

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Emory University employees have access to a variety of self-learning classes and tools that provide personal and professional growth in job and people skills.

Professional Development and Training | Emory University | Atlanta GA

Process For All Professional Development Requests

  • Discuss your professional development plans with your supervisor and receive approval before submitting request or signing up for any classes.
  • Complete the request form in its entirety.
  • The request should include how this professional development course will impact your current position as well as growth to the SON. 
  • Be prepared to present to your team or at an all staff meeting after completing the class.
  • Requests will be reviewed each month and employee will be notified of approval.
  • Please do not use personal funds to pay for professional development classes.
  • When you are submitting expense reimbursements, be sure use program code 80285 – SON: Professional Development.

Employees interested in professional development are required to complete the request for professional development via this link:


Hiring Staff

Departments and units must submit a staff new position form to initiate staff searches under a variety of circumstances: 

  1. A staff member resigns, retires, or separates for any reason and must be replaced. 
  2. A department/unit needs an additional staff to meet expanding needs. 

Complete the new staff position form. Your HR team will assist you through the hiring process.

Screening Candidates

Once posted, applicants will apply to the position. Employment University Recruiting will screen and refer a pool of candidates who meet all necessary requirements to the department via iCIMS. The department-level hiring official will then review the candidate pool to determine who to interview. At minimum, three candidates should be interviewed. Please be sure to note in iCIMS those who are interviewed.

SON HR assists in screening candidates for Academic Department Administrators/Lead Staff positions.

If the pool does not provide the needed candidates, please reach out to us and request an additional pool of candidates. Only request additional candidates after screening the current pool of candidates.

Please note when considering finalists that the pre-employment process can take up to 2 weeks.

Search & Interview Process

Departments are encouraged to assemble search committees to manage the search process and carry out tasks including review of candidates and setting up interviews. The Recruiting Specialist will check employment references (SkillSurvey).

Search committees are usually formed to fill staff positions such as the Academic Department Administrator or Lead Staff and include the Chair and one or two department faculty.  It is not appropriate to have any departing employee or current staff that will report to the position on the search committee. 

SON HR assists in the interviewing and hiring process for Academic Department Administrators/Lead Staff and other supervisory positions.

The Offer

In addition to noting the candidate’s status in iCIMS, the department should contact their Recruiting Specialist and SON HR once a finalist has been chosen.

No offer can be extended prior to references being completed. Once the Recruiting Specialist and SON HR have reviewed the results of the references and approved the salary, the department may extend a verbal offer.

To ensure that equity and budget review considerations have been completed, all starting salaries are vetted by SON HR and the Recruiting Specialist. After the salary has been reviewed and approved, the department may make a verbal offer to the candidate.

New Staff Hire Orientation and Resources

New staff employees can review their orientation action items on the Emory University HR New Hires page.

New staff employees can also register for an upcoming New Employee Welcome Session. Presented by Emory University's central Human Resources division, the New Employee Welcome Session does not replace department/division-level orientation. The session is offered via Zoom and will:

  • Provide an overview of the University’s culture and mission
  • Explains the array of benefits and programs that are available to employees

SON New Hire Orientation

All new staff employees are required to attend the New Hire Orientation. SON’s New Hire Orientation will include a session with HR, IT, Finance, Staff Governance, and Operations. You will receive pertinent information at the orientation from each of these departments. The details of orientation are mentioned in the Welcome email that you will receive after accepting the offer. Orientation is held at the School of Nursing on campus.

Onboarding Tools

Helpful Links

Hiring Students

According to HR policy regarding student employment, a student employee is an Emory student who works for Emory for pay who is a current and is in an active status.  Students may be employed only in a temporary (employment) status. Emory students enrolled in post graduate programs will be considered for regular employment status with Emory on a case-by-case basis.

All student hires in the School of Nursing must be submitted via the electronic student hire form. Please click the link – to complete the new student hire form. Your HR team will assist you through the hiring process.  

A student must NOT start working until they have completed the I-9 process and have been approved to begin working.

Federal Work Study Students

Work Study students are 75% funded by the federal government. The hiring department covers the remaining 25% of funding. During the initial recruiting process, departments should make every effort to hire work-study student employee(s) first. The FWS program has helped numerous Emory departments get the help they need while keeping their annual budgets intact.

Students must have applied for, received financial aid, and accepted their award. Work Study students are generally allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during periods of enrollment, and 40 hours per week during periods of non-enrollment.

Information and forms related to student hiring including work-study hires, and work study supervisor's handbook is available at the Office of Financial Aid's Student Employment page.


Timecards for Biweekly Students

Biweekly students and are required to use Kronos Web Clocking to record their “in” and “out” timestamps for each day worked. Once a bi-weekly student's hire record is approved in PeopleSoft, they will receive an automated email with clocking instructions.

Department Supervisors Approve Timecards

Department supervisors must approve the students’ timesheets in Emory Timecard Adjustment System (ETAS). The timecard review and approval process should be completed prior to the ETAS deadline each pay period to prevent errors in pay.

If you require additional assistance to complete a task, send an email to Emory University Payroll or call the Payroll Department at 404-727-6100.

Hiring Faculty

The Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing is committed to attracting diverse world-class faculty to advance the School’s mission to educate visionary nurse leaders and scholars, generate and apply knowledge, and transform nursing, health, and systems of health care within the local and global community. We are seeking applications for doctorally prepared clinical track faculty to advance our teaching and scholarship mission. We invite applications from doctorally-prepared individuals with experience as nurse educators and focused area of educational or clinical scholarship. Priority will be given to individuals who can teach across a wide array of clinical topics at the pre-licensure level and for individuals who have certification and current or recent practice as advanced practice registered nurses (APRN’s). Individuals prepared as family nurse practitioners, adult-gero primary care nurse practitioners, adult-gero acute care nurse practitioners, pediatric primary care and pediatric acute care nurse practitioners are particularly needed.

Prospective Faculty Site

Hiring Post Doctoral Fellows

First Step: Review the job description. The University has an approved job description for Post-Doctoral Fellows. The job description and the minimum qualifications are included below:

JOB DESCRIPTION: Helps design and conduct research within a specified field while receiving advanced training from a designated Principal Investigator to enhance professional skills and research independence needed for pursuit of a career. The specific area of research in which the trainee is mentored is determined by the department and laboratory of the Postdoc. Designs and evaluates experiments. Develops new ideas that promote current research. Prepares and publishes scientific manuscripts under the direction of the Principal Investigator. May be responsible for operation of specific equipment. May teach techniques to others, train, and supervise research staff. Positions are temporary appointments as a research trainee. The initial appointment is for one year, renewal expected if progress is satisfactory, and funds are available. Appointments cannot exceed five years.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: A doctoral degree or equivalent (Ph.D., M.D., ScD., D.V.M., DDS, etc.) in an appropriate field. Excellent scientific writing ability and strong oral communication skills. The ability to work effectively and collegially with colleagues. Additional qualifications as specified by the Principal Investigator.

You can add language to the job description but must keep what the University has approved for the job description. Regarding the qualifications, you can add preferred qualifications.

The second step is ensuring you have the funding for the position. If a grant funds the position, you will need the grant speedtype to charge the salary. You can start with your discretionary fund, but you will need the grant speedtype within 60 – 90 days, provided you have enough money in your discretionary fund to support the salary and fringe for 60 – 90 days. Hiring is possible if you expect the grant funding to take longer (up to 12 months), but reallocating the funds becomes increasingly more complicated. Most sponsored research awards will only allow 90 days of Pre-Award spending.  Please check with your Post Award Research Administrator to confirm.

Departments and units must submit a post-doctoral new position form to initiate the search process. The third step is to submit the requisition for review and approval. All requisitions require the approval of the Chief Business Officer and the Central Human Resources Recruiting Office.

Complete the new post-doctoral fellow position form. Your SON HR team will assist you through the hiring process. Click the link –

New Hire Training (New Hires)

Required Courses

Below are the required courses that are needed to have access to the financial systems. Please find the included job aids on how to request access once the courses are completed. 

It is required that the employees in the following roles complete the required courses.


  • Project Support Specialist 
  • Project Coordinator  
  • Senior Project Coordinator 
  • Project Manager/Special Assistant 
  • Administrative Assistant 
  • Senior Administrative Assistant 
  • Program Coordinator 
  • Senior Program Coordinator  
  • Office Manager


  • Institutional Data Management
    ELMS Course Code: 410001-9264
    Required for all access to Emory Financial Systems
    eLearning via Brainier 
  • Compass Fundamentals 
    ELMS Course Code: 260728 
    Intro to Emory's Compass and Finance System
    eLearning via Brainier 
  • Emory Express 
    ELMS Course Code: 260747 
    Learn how to buy and pay for goods and services 
    eLearning via Brainier 
  • Compass (Expense Reports)
    ELMS Course Code: 260613 
    Learn how to seek reimbursement for Emory related out of pocket expenses and how to pay your Emory Corporate Card. Learn how to create payments for guests, students or individuals 
    eLearning via Brainier 

To access Brainier: 

  1. Log into PeopleSoft/Self-Service and select the Learning Management tile 
  2. Next, click on the Learning Management-Brainier tile

Requesting Access

  1. Job aid to submit a  request for Compass Access
    (should  be done after completing all trainings above) 
    Compass Access
  2. Job aid to submit a  request for Express Access
    (should  be done after completing all trainings above) 
    Emory Express Access

Frequently Asked questions

What is the objective of this finance training? 

The primary goal is to equip new hires with essential financial knowledge and skills needed for their roles. This includes understanding company financial systems and compliance with relevant Emory University policies.

What topics will be covered in the finance training? 

Key topics include: 

  • Basic financial concepts (expense reporting, check requests, invoice payments) 
  • Supply Ordering 
  • Gift Card Ordering 
  • Catering Requests 
  • Arranging Travel

How long will the training last? 

The duration of the initial online finance training can vary but typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks. Practical learning sessions will be held monthly for all new hires. 

Will there be any hands-on experience or practical exercises? 

Yes, practical exercises will be provided to help you apply your learning during the in-person training session.

Are there any assessments or tests during the training? 

Yes, during the initial online finance training, assessments may include quizzes, or practical exercises to evaluate understanding. 

What financial software or tools will I learn to use? 

Compass, Emory Express and CTM.

Can I ask questions or request help during the in-person training? 

Yes, you are encouraged to ask questions for understanding.  

Will there be ongoing support after the training is completed? 

After the training, ongoing support is available through the SON Administrative Services team. Additional refresher courses will be offered quarterly to reinforce the concepts.

How can I apply what I've learned in my role? 

You will be guided on how to apply financial concepts directly to your daily tasks. The training is designed to align with your job responsibilities, so you’ll have a clear understanding of how to use the knowledge. 

Is there a certification or qualification received after completing the training? 

Depending on the company, you may receive a certificate of completion, or it may be a requirement for your job role. In some cases, the training can count toward continuing professional development (CPD) credits.

New Hire Training (Supervisors)

What is the objective of this finance training? 

The primary goal is to equip new hires with essential financial knowledge and skills needed for their roles. This includes understanding company financial systems and compliance with relevant Emory University policies. 

What topics will be covered in the finance training? 

Key topics include: 

  • Basic financial concepts (expense reporting, check requests, invoice payments) 
  • Supply Ordering 
  • Gift Card Ordering 
  • Catering Requests 
  • Arranging Travel 

Who is responsible for providing the finance training?  

The finance training is typically coordinated through the Brainier Learning Management System. However, the SON Administrative Services management team will assist supervisors in guiding their new hire through role-specific finance tasks. 

How long will the training last? 

The duration of the initial online finance training can vary but typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks. The Admin Services team will work with hiring managers to develop an ongoing training schedule with their new hire to minimize interruptions during the training process. An online practical learning session will be held within the 1st 30 days of hire. 

How will the training be delivered? 

  • The training may be delivered through a combination of: 
  • Online e-learning modules 
  • In-person workshops 
  • Hands-on practice using finance software 

Is the finance training mandatory for all new hires? 

Yes, finance training is mandatory for: 

  • Project Support Specialist 
  • Project Coordinator  
  • Senior Project Coordinator 
  • Project Manager/Special Assistant 
  • Administrative Assistant 
  • Senior Administrative Assistant 
  • Program Coordinator 
  • Senior Program Coordinator  
  • Office Manager

This ensures that all employees are familiar with financial procedures, policies, and practices from day one. 

Will there be any hands-on experience or practical exercises? 

Yes, practical exercises will be provided to help your new hire apply what they have learned during the in-person training session. 

What financial software or tools will I learn to use? 

Compass, Emory Express and CTM. 

Will there be ongoing support after the training is completed? 

After the training, ongoing support is available through the SON Administrative Services team. Additional refresher courses will be offered quarterly to reinforce the concepts. 

How can my new hire apply what they've learned in their role? 

Your new will be guided on how to apply financial concepts directly to their daily tasks. The training is designed to align with their job responsibilities, so they will have a clear understanding of how to use the knowledge. 

What is expected of supervisors during the training process? 

Supervisors should support their new hire by ensuring they have access to necessary resources and guidance. This might include: 

  • Providing time for training sessions 
  • Offering clarification on role-specific financial tasks 
  • Ensuring that the new hire can apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios

Resources / Forms

Workforce Resources

Forms & Policies



Emory SON supports the involvement of students in SON research activities to enhance their educational experiences and provide experience in basic and clinical research, which could include interaction with human participants in a clinical or non-clinical setting.

Our guidance was developed in collaboration with Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Laney Graduate School, and Georgia Tech.

Volunteers in SON Research Activities:

  • The Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) defines volunteers as individuals who volunteer for public service, religious, or humanitarian objectives without compensation and freely forgo all forms of support typically provided to employees of an institution.
  • Individuals participating in SON research activities must be enrolled in a formal educational program (see below) or be compensated.
  • In addition, individuals serving as unpaid interns are subject to strict FLSA labor laws and liability issues (including not being covered by Emory insurance). As such, unpaid interns are not permitted in SON labs.
  • In either case, it is permitted to pursue a hire through Human Resources (HR) or Emory Temporary Services (ETS).

This document provides guidance for the following individuals:

Emory University/GA Tech Graduate Students

Students must meet all of the following requirements:

  • The student must be either enrolled in an Emory University or Georgia Tech course, degree program, or a formal research program during the current semester or hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services (for example, if a student is not enrolled in the summer semester, they would need to be hired for that period). Please note that Ph.D. students are enrolled year-round.
  • Work to be completed must be necessary for the student’s curriculum, thesis, or dissertation unless hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services. To verify this, the PI should request a copy of the syllabus that states research work/exposure is needed to pass or enhance the course or perhaps a letter of support from a faculty mentor that states that. 
  • By virtue of placing an Emory/Georgia Tech student in an SON lab, the PI agrees to verify eligibility with Department HR or Georgia Tech.
  • If in a clinical setting, including work with patient care records, the student must comply with screening guidelines, vaccination requirements, and credentialing/observership requirements. Observership requests can be sent to
  • If in a lab setting, the student must comply with all EHSO requirements.
  • Emory graduate students must follow all Emory Laney Graduate School policies.
  • Georgia Tech students must follow all Emory Visitor Policies.

Graduate Students Enrolled at Other Universities (Not Emory University or GA Tech)

Students must meet all of the following requirements:

  • The student must be either enrolled in a graduate degree program at their home institution during the current semester or hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services (for example, if a student is not enrolled in the summer semester, they would need to be hired for that period).
  • Students attending a university other than Emory University or Georgia Tech would need to provide a letter from their university that includes: the name of the course/degree program that the research experience supports and beginning and end dates for the coursework (the research experience should be parallel to the course work, not after a course is completed). This letter needs to be submitted to and maintained by the Department HR.
  • Work to be completed must be necessary for the student’s curriculum, thesis, or dissertation unless hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services. To verify this, the PI should request a copy of the syllabus that states research work/exposure is needed to pass or enhance the course or perhaps a letter of support from a faculty mentor that states that. 
  • By virtue of placing a non-Emory University/non-Georgia Tech student in an SON lab, the PI agrees to verify eligibility with Department HR or the University that the student attends.
  • If in a clinical setting, including work with patient care records, student must comply with screening guidelines, vaccination requirements, and credentialing/observership requirements. Observership requests can be sent to
  • If in a lab setting, the student must comply with all EHSO requirements.
  • Non-Emory University/non-Georgia Tech graduate students must follow all Emory Visitor Policies.
  • Non-Emory University/non-Georgia Tech graduate students who do not meet all the above criteria must be hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services.

Emory University/GA Tech Undergraduate Students

Students must meet all of the following requirements:

  • The student must be either enrolled in an Emory University/Georgia Tech course, degree program, or a formal research program during the current semester or hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services.

    If an Emory student is not enrolled in the summer semester, they would need to be hired for that period or they would need to enroll in the ECAS Summer Research Registration Program. Please contact URP ( for additional information about this program.
  • Work to be completed must be necessary for the student’s degree program/curriculum or essential for future educational goals unless hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services. To verify this, the PI should request a copy of the syllabus that states research work/exposure is needed to pass or enhance the course or perhaps a letter of support from a faculty mentor that states that. 
  • Duties should focus on exposure to research and should not be used for compensatory duties unless hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services. Those performing compensatory duties for a very limited time as a learning experience with no expectation of a work product by the sponsor is considered an educational experience.
  • By virtue of placing an Emory University/Georgia Tech undergraduate in an SON lab, the PI agrees to verify eligibility with Department HR or Georgia Tech.
  • If in a clinical setting, including work with patient care records, the student must comply with screening guidelines, vaccination requirements, and credentialing/observership requirements. Observership requests can be sent to
  • If student is in a lab setting, the student must comply with all EHSO requirements.
  • Emory University undergraduate students must follow all Emory College of Arts & Sciences policies.
  • Georgia Tech students must follow all Emory Visitor Policies.
  • Emory University/Georgia Tech undergraduates who do not meet all the above criteria must be hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services.

Undergraduate Students Enrolled at Other Universities (Not Emory University or GA Tech)

Students must meet all of the following requirements:

  • The student must be either enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at their home institution during the current semester or hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services (for example, if a student is not enrolled in the summer semester, they would need to be hired for that period).
  • Students attending a university other than Emory University or Georgia Tech would need to provide a letter from their university that includes: the name of the course/degree program that the research experience supports and beginning and end dates for the coursework (the research experience should be parallel to the course work, not after a course is completed). This letter needs to be submitted to and maintained by the Department HR.
  • Work to be completed must be necessary for the student’s degree program/curriculum or essential for future educational goals unless hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services. To verify this, the PI should have a copy of the letter from their university as mentioned above.
  • Duties should focus on exposure to research and should not be used for compensatory duties unless hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services. Those performing compensatory duties for a very limited time as a learning experience with no expectation of a work product by the sponsor is considered an educational experience.
  • By virtue of placing a non-Emory University/non-Georgia Tech student in an SON lab, the PI agrees to verify eligibility with Department HR or the university that the student attends.
  • If in a clinical setting, including work with patient care records, the student must comply with screening guidelines, vaccination requirements, and credentialing/observership requirements. Observership requests can be sent to
  • If student is in a lab setting, the student must comply with all EHSO requirements.
  • Non-Emory University/non-Georgia Tech undergraduate students must follow all Emory Visitor Policies.
  • Non-Emory University/non-Georgia Tech undergraduate students who do not meet all the above criteria must be hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services.

Adult Non-College Students

  • Individual must be hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services.


Must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Must be at least 16 years old and be hired through Emory Human Resources or Emory Temporary Services.
  • Minors involved in any research activities (human, animal, basic science) including shadowing other research personnel in lab areas or otherwise, please reach out to the Office of Research Compliance & Regulatory Affairs ( to ensure appropriate trainings and research safety oversight measures are in place.

The PI is responsible for reporting to the Department HR representative all tracking, training, and oversight documentation.

Formal SON Research Programs with Minors

Must meet all of the following requirements

  • Students must be at least 16 years old
  • Formal SON Research Programs with Minors must be approved and documented by the Department HR
  • Programs involving minors should be registered in the Central Registration Platform, and program managers should complete all compliance requirement certifications from the Office of Ethics and Compliance ( found in the online portal.
  • All programs including research with minors should be disclosed to the Office of Research Compliance & Regulatory Affairs (
  • All programs must be in compliance with Emory policy

Program administrators are responsible for reporting to the Department HR representative all tracking, training, and oversight documentation.

Formal Research Programs Based at Local High Schools

Must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Students must be at least 16 years old
  • Students must provide official documentation from the high school outlining requirements of the program. The documentation should be reviewed by the Department HR leader and any program requirements should be acknowledged and agreed upon by the PI.
  • Programs involving minors should be registered in the Central Registration Platform  , and the sponsoring PI should complete all compliance requirement certifications from the Office of Ethics and Compliance ( found in the online portal.
  • The program must be disclosed to Research Compliance ( to be sure all requirements are met to comply with policy 7.21 (Minors in Lab)
  • Compliance will require: a scope of work for the student, any trainings the PI will be providing, program description from school/county with duration and documentation of HR approval from Department to allow activity
  •   All programs involving minors (SON or local high schools) should also be disclosed to Office of Ethics and Compliance (
  •   All PIs and labs must be in compliance with background checks, training, and other requirements at

PIs are responsible for reporting to the Department HR representative all tracking, training, and oversight documentation.

Contact Information:

If you have questions about the guidance, please contact:

Link to Volunteer Policy 4.83 (will require network access)

Required forms


We are located on the 4th floor in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing building on Emory’s main campus near the Michael Street Parking deck.

Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
1520 Clifton Road (Suites 439, 441)
Atlanta, GA 30322

Andrea Corbett
Division Director, Human Resources 
SON, Suite 441 

Bernadine Williamson
Senior Human Resources Associate
SON, Suite 439