Barbara Kaplan
The majority of Barbara Kaplan's 40-year, professional career has been spent in academia at the Emory University School of Nursing. She currently serves as the Co-Director of the Veterans Affairs Nursing Academic Partnership Program (VANAP), which advances nursing student undergraduate education in Veteran-centered care. Prior to her current appointment, Barbara was the Coordinator of the Skills Lab for many years. As one of the founders of the simulation program, she has designed, implemented and consulted on simulation for individual groups as well as inter-professional teams on the local, state and national levels.

Areas of Expertise

- Reilly, C., Kaplan, B., Porter-O’Grady, T. (2023). Nursing leadership during crisis: insights guiding leaders from the Covid-19 pandemic. Sigma. [Book]
- Muirhead, L., Kaplan, B., Childs, J., Brevick, I., Cadet, A., Muhammad, Y. I., & Echt, K. V. (2022). Role Reversal: In-Situ Simulation to Enhance the Value of Interprofessional Team-Based Care. Journal of Nursing Education, 61,1-4.
- Weston, J., Kimble, L., Kaplan, B., & Dryer, A. (2020). An innovative educational approach integrating simulation, classroom and clinical practice for teaching pediatric nursing. Nurse Educator, 46(2), 71-72. DOI: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000865
- Kaplan, B., Muirhead, L, Zhang, W. (2017) Leveraging partnerships: nursing student veteran- centered simulation in situ. Clinical Simulation in Nursing,13, 258-263.
- Zhang, W., Ura, D., Kaplan, B. (2014). A comparison study on integrating electronic health records into priority simulation in undergraduate nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 4(7), 123-128.
- Kaplan, B. & Lehr, S. (2013). Response to Ms. Pyburn’s letter to the editor. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 9 (5), e145-e146 DOI:
- Lehr, S. & Kaplan, B. (2013). A mental health simulation experience for baccalaureate student nurses. Clinical Simulations in Nursing, 9(10), 425-431.
- Kaplan, B., Abraham, C., & Gary, R. (2012). Effects of participation vs. observation of a simulation experience on testing outcomes; implications for logistical planning for a school of nursing. International Journal of Nursing Education and Scholarship. 9(1). DOI: 10.1515/1548-923X.14
- Kaplan, B., Connor, A., Ferranti, E., Holmes, L. & Spencer, L. (2012). Use of an emergency preparedness disaster simulation with undergraduate nursing students. Public Health Nursing, 29(1), 44-51.

Barbara's true passion lies with undergraduate teaching, where she was the proud recipient of the Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award. Additionally, she receives a great deal of fulfillment from teaching practicing nurses continuing education courses as well as inter-professional teams.

Barbara's primary research focus has been on the impact of simulation in nursing education.

2023 - American Journal of Nursing, Book of the Year Award, Second Place in Health Care Administration category.
2005 - Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award