Brenda Baker
Dr. Baker is an Associate Professor, clinical track, and has extensive clinical experience in the maternal and newborn population. Her research efforts have focused on maternal role transition, social support in the postpartum period, and perinatal outcomes of incarcerated pregnant women.
Additionally Dr. Baker is involved in policy and advocacy work related to incarcerated pregnant women.

Areas of Expertise

- Baker, B. (2021). Mothering and incarceration: A concept model supporting reunification. Journal of Correctional Health Care.
- Baker, B. (2019). Perinatal Outcomes of Incarcerated Pregnant Women: An Integrative Review. Journal of Correctional Health Care. doi.org/10.1177/1078345819832366
- Baker, B. & Yang, I. (2018) Social media as social support in the postpartum. Sexual & reproductive Health Care. 17, 31-34. doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2018.05.003.

Dr. Baker is passionate about the care of the maternal/newborn population, especially incarcerated pregnant women.

Dr. Baker's research has focused on pregnant and postpartum women and incarcerated pregnant women. Her work has been published in numerous women's health, newborn, and correctional health journals.

- Fellow American Academy of Nursing, 2020
- Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health, scholarship recipient, 2017
- Virginia Chapter March of Dimes Nurse of the Year, Advanced Practice Nurse Award recipient, 2013
- North Carolina, "Great 100 Recipient", 1999