Elaise Pinheiro
Over thirty years experience as a bedside nurse, leader, educator, and researcher. Professor at Emory School of Nursing since 2022, concluded DNP with a study on improving depression screening in hospitalized patients. Experience as a nursing assistant, then a registered nurse in a medical-surgical unit.. Energetic, motivational Speaker at National Conferences, such as ARN, Emory Quality Conference, and Georgia Hospital Association. Presenter at Emory Quality Conference and Stroke Support Group. Chair of ERH Nurse Senate. Experience and certifications include CRRN, ACLS, Stroke, Phlebotomist, Wound Care, LVAD, Peritoneal Dialysis, EKG, and participation in Research projects. Certified Faith Community Nurse and Translator. Speaks fluent Portuguese and Spanish.

Areas of Expertise

Pinheiro, Ellie. (2023). Heartache: Healing Takes Time. . Xulom Press. Co-author of The Tabernacle and the Church (2023) by Abraham DeAlmeida, Wipf & Stock.

We live in changing technological times, where the teaching needs to arrive at students in a structured but engaging format. Our young generation is used to messages coming in moving and colorful packages. I keep that in mind as I set my goals for the class, both for learning, teaching methods, evaluation of knowledge, and structure. In addition, I note our identities and backgrounds to make sure both myself and the students benefit from our diversity and include different perspectives in our learning. We are all learning, one way or another. Every day is a chance for me to learn new things, experience new methods, and touch the mind of a student who can change the world.

I believe in research. Research has to be meaningful, appeal to practicality, and have a high probability of successful implementation or use. However, simply believing, having knowledge, or research skills is not necessarily enough to ensure student and collegial use. There must be a sharing of knowledge and a building of belief, primarily by integrating the research paradigm and principles across curricula in clinical and academic settings. At colleges and universities, relevant research must be the foundation of every course in the curriculum. my goal is to bring my vision and passion for research to the students at the University. I hope that I will be able to contribute to the expansion of your research-based curriculum and practices.

Recipient of the Daisy Award, Life-Safer Award, and Nurse of the Year Award. Member of Cambridge Who is Who and Faith Community Nurse.