Heather Venrick
Heather Venrick, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, RN is an Assistant Clinical Professor at Emory University NWHSON. As an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), she currently holds APRN certification as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). Dr. Venrick received her Doctor of Nursing Practice and Master of Science in Nursing degrees - Family Nurse Practitioner from Vanderbilt University. She earned her Associate of Science in Nursing degree from Cabarrus College of Health Sciences. She also has a Bachelor of Arts in Exercise and Sport Science from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Venrick has many experiences in education, healthcare, and physical activity from teaching high school science, coaching various sports, and working as a registered nurse and pharmacy technician. In 2018, after practicing in nursing for five years and ten years in various related fields, she transitioned to a full-time nurse educator. She taught for five years at Appalachian State University in their BSN, RN-BSN, and MSN programs before coming to Emory University, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing to teach in their FNP program. She maintains an active clinical practice in in-home health evaluations addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) issues, along with sustained teaching commitments and advancing nursing scholarship.

Areas of Expertise

Venrick, H. W., McClure, N., & Hande, K. (2020). Leveraging school nurse expertise to meet children’s health and nutrition needs in afterschool programs. NASN School Nurse, 35(1), 15–17. https://doi.org/10.1177/1942602X19874490
Towner, B. C., Venrick, H.W., Broce, R., Christiana, R. W., Battista, R. A., James, J. J. (2021) Got nature? An interdisciplinary approach to promoting healthy outdoor play and exercise, The Journal of the Blue Cross NC Institute for Health & Human Services: Sustainable Health. Appalachian State University. V. 1, March 23, 2021. NC
James, J.J., Towner, B.C., Venrick, H.W., Broce, R., Christiana, R.W. & Battista, R.A. (2022) The HOPE Lab: An interprofessional approach to researching and promoting Healthy Outdoor Play and Exercise. In J. H. Hironaka-Juteau & S. V. Lankford (Eds.), Interprofessional Collaboration in Parks, Recreation and Human Services: Theory and Cases (pp.75-84) Sagamore
Christiana RW, Urroz J, & Venrick HW. (2023) Evaluation of a nature prescription program in schools to increase nature-based physical activity and time spent outdoors: Implementation of the Kids in Parks TRACK Rx Program by the school nurse. The Journal of School Nursing. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/10598405231195566

As a healthcare professional and educator, my goal is to promote wellness and prepare my students, patients, and clients for success in their various life goals. I have approached this goal through several different theories and pedagogies over the years. Ultimately, I feel that the Constructivist Theory is the most inclusive of my personal beliefs and teaching strategies.
The Constructivist Theory is based on the idea that students learn from educators who facilitate new knowledge developed on the foundation of their prior experiences (Bransford et al., 1999, pg.199).
I try to create an inclusive learning environment where students can build on their past knowledge and experiences through active and team-based learning exercises/assignments.
I am passionate about quality education because I consider myself a life-long learner and I am constantly trying to improve my educational skills. I have a diverse educational and career experience from my undergraduate degree in Exercise and Sports Science, teaching high school general sciences, and my professional work experiences as a pharmacy technician, a registered nurse, and Family Nurse Practitioner. I feel these experiences allow me to relate to a variety of students and help me individualize my approach to teaching.
Students state that I am “caring”, “provide good feedback”, and actively “integrate (classroom) learning to the clinical setting”. Constructive feedback from students contains that I am a tough grader and provide a rigorous classroom experience. Future educational goals include improving my current teaching skills and incorporating innovative technology to design fun, engaging courses reaching a variety of student learning styles. I want to support my students and help them to successfully earn their nurse practitioner degrees so that they can be healthcare change agents and future nurse leaders.

Her research interests are focused on interprofessional education and teamwork-based initiatives in relation to healthy eating, physical activity, and outdoor benefits.

Beaver College of Health Sciences 2021 Interprofessional Champion Award as a member of the HOPE LAB - hyperlink - https://hopelab.appstate.edu/about