
Dr. Rodriguez is an Associate Professor, clinical track, and received her Baccalaureate in Nursing degree from Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, a Master of Science in nursing from Emory University, and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Rodriguez is an experienced clinician scientist. Her research focuses on understanding the direct and downstream effects of exposures on children’s health using metabolomics and other methods. Her current research focuses on the health effects of secondhand electronic cigarette vapor exposure in children. Dr. Rodriguez’s research has been funded by the Food and Drug Administration, the HERCULES Exposome Research Center, and the Center for Children’s Health, the Environment, the Microbiome, and Metabolomics. She has authored and co-authored multiple research-based articles and abstracts focused on child health.

Dr. Rodriguez has practiced as a pediatric nurse for almost 30 years and a pediatric nurse practitioner for over 20 years. Her current clinical practice focuses on school-based healthcare. Dr. Rodriguez has worked to establish relationships with several local schools and school systems to meet critical health care needs on site. She is committed to community-based care that meets children and their families where they live, work, and play.

Dr. Rodriguez’s 20 years of experience in academia has primarily focused on directing and teaching in the pediatric nurse practitioner programs. She has supervised several DNP and MPH students in completing their DNP projects and public health practicum experiences. Her current programmatic focus is on integrating high-fidelity simulation to meet the pediatric learning needs of advanced practice nurse practitioner students. She is an active member of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP), previously serving as the Georgia Chapter Vice President and CEU Coordinator.

Areas of Expertise

Biological Behavioral Omics
Biobehavioral Interactions
Metabolomics And Lupus
Exposure Science
School Based Healthcare
Pediatric Simulation


Rodriguez, J., Affuso, O., Azuero, A., Downs, C., Turner-Henson, A., Rice. M. (in press). Infant feeding practices and weight gain in toddlers born very preterm: A pilot study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing.

Rodriguez, J., Jordan, S., Mutic, A., & Thul, T. (2017). The neonatal microbiome: Implications for the NICU nurse. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 42(6), 332-337.

Jordan, S., Baker, B., Dunn, A., Edwards, S., Ferranti, E. Mutic, A., Yang, I., & Rodriguez, J. (2017). Maternal-child microbiome: Collection, storage, and implications for research and practice. Nursing Research, 66(2), 175-183.

Rodriguez, J., Huntington-Moskos, L., Johnson, A., Williams, S., Gulledge, E., Feeley, C., & Rice, M. (2016). Collecting biological measures for research with children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, Doi 10.1016/j.pedhc.2015.12.007.

Rice, M., Turner-Henson, A., Park, N., Azuero A., Amiri, A., Feeley, C., Johnson, A., Lam, T., Huntington-Moskos, L., Rodriguez, J., & Williams, S. (2016). Child and maternal factors that influence child blood pressure in preschool children: An exploratory study. Applied Nursing Research. Doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2016.01.008.


Dr. Rodriguez is a master teacher who has taught across all levels of nursing. She serves as the Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program Director where she has had a major impact on student development. She is greatly respected by her colleagues and students for her expertise in pediatrics and excellence in teaching, regularly earning a 5/5 student rating in her courses. Her 20 plus years in academia has primarily focused on teaching at the post-licensure level with a focus on pediatric health and simulation.


Dr. Rodriguez’s work focuses on exposure science and pediatric health outcomes, with a particular focus on secondhand electronic cigarette vapor exposure.
