Kim Dupree Jones
Kim Dupree Jones, PhD, RN, FNP, FAAN, Professor, is a nationally renowned nurse scientist and educator, and the Associate Dean of Academic Advancement. Dr. Jones is a distinguished administrator and researcher with more than three decades of experience nursing education and research. She most recently served as Dean of the School of Nursing at Linfield University in Portland, Oregon. Prior to her appointment at Linfield University, she was a full professor in the School of Nursing at Oregon Health and Sciences University. Her BSN is from University of Tennessee; Her MN (FNP) is from Emory University; Her PhD and post-doctoral training are from Oregon Health & Science University.
Dr. Jones is recognized as a leading expert in fibromyalgia, where her work is cited in national and international treatment guidelines and texts including Up To Date, Cecil’s Textbook of Medicine, Physical Rehabilitation & Medicine, Kelly’s Textbook of Rheumatology and Neurology in Clinical Practice. She is aco-author on The Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR), which is used extensively by major pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, Lily, Cypress, Ortho, and Jazz pharmaceuticals as the first of the fibromyalgia-indicated drugs were tested and brough to the FDA. She also holds a patent for a genomics-based peripheral blood marker for fibromyalgia. Her most recent work has two foci: the role of cannabinoids in opioid taper, and photosensitivity as a novel mechanism engaging pain-modulating systems.
Dr. Jones is a prolific author with more than 130 publications and has completed more than 60 scientific studies on fibromyalgia to date with funding from the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Defense, multiple foundations and industry. She is recognized as a leading nurse researcher in pain management and is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and the Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame.
During her four years as a Dean School of Nursing, Linfield University, she led major changes including moving all second-degree students to a novel 10-week academic calendar and launching a Masters Entry to Professional Nursing program, the first in Oregon. She also oversaw a move from their small historic campus to a 20 acre, 11building campus, with 700% increase in simulation space. She worked with faculty and the Oregon State Board of Nursing to optimize simulation, moving from 22% to 49% (maximum allowable). Working closely with the President and Provost, she successfully led faculty governance changes that included an inaugural Senate model of governance that decentralized Promotion & Tenure, Evaluation, and Curriculum. Follow Dr Jones on Twitter @kjnursingdean and Instagram @deanofnursing.

Areas of Expertise

Hayes, R. Swan B.A., McDermott, C.M., Rodriguez, J., Hagopian, C., Jones, K.D. & McCauley, L. Reject the ‘Practice Readiness’ myth- ask if systems are ready for nursing graduates instead.(ePub Ahead of Print) Nursing Outlook. PMID: 39043052
*Wiltse-Nicely, K., Friend, R., Robichaux, C., Edwards, J.A., Cimiotti, J.P. & Jones, K.D. (in press) Association between Intra- and Post-Operative Opioids in Opioid Naïve Patients in Thoracic Surgery. Annals of Thoracic Surgery Short Reports
Cook, C., Woodbury, A. & Jones, K.D. (2024) Migraine Treatment: When, why, and how to introduce anti-migraine therapies. The Journal of Nurse Practitioners.
Giordano, N.A., Phan, Q, Kimble, L.P., Chicas, R., Brasher, S., Wiltse Nicely, K., Sheridan, T., Starks, S., Ferranti, E., Moore, E., Clement, D., Weston, J.B., Febres-Cordero, S., Chance-Revels, R., Woods, E. Baker, H., Muirhead, L., Stapel-Wax, J., Jones, D.D. & Swan, B.A. (2024) The nurse-led equitable learning framework for training programs: A framework to grow, bolster and diversity the nursing and public health workforce. Journal of Professional Nursing, July 53:25-34. PMID: 38997196
*Pfaltzgraph, A., Friend, R. & Jones, K.D (2024) Do FIQR severity categories and symptoms differentiate between continuous, intermittent and no opioid use in the treatment of fibromyalgia? Pain Manag Nurs, 25(2):181-188. PMID: 37993311
*Dwan, M.F., Jones, K.D. & Lyons, K.S. (2024) The protective roles of affectionate behaviors and communication on mental quality of life of couples living with fibromyalgia: movement toward a dyadic perspective Psychol Health Med, 29(2): 375-384 PMID: 37990403
Jones K.D., Hayes R., McCauley L. Strategies to Evaluate and Enhance Accelerated Second-Degree Nursing Pathways. Nurse Educ. (2023) 48(2):59-64. PMID: 36728482.
*Balba, N., McBride, A.l., Jones, K.D., Callahan, M., Butler, M., Lim, M., Heinricher, M. & Mist, S.D (2022) Photosensitivity Predicts High-Impact Chronic Pain after Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. 39:17-18, PMID: 35373595
St John, A.W., Aebischer, J, Friend, R., & Jones, K.D. (2022) Fibromyalgia: A clinical update. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, April 1:47(4):20-30. PMID: 35349514
Aebischer, J, Dieckmann, N & Jones, K.D. (2022) Chronic pain clinical adaptation and prescriptive practices in the cannabis era. Pain Management Nursing. PMID: 34973920
* Bennett, R.M., Jones, K.D. St John, A.W., Aebischer, J., & Friend, R. (2021) Which symptoms best distinguish fibromyalgia patients from those with other chronic pain disorders? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 28(2):225-23. PMID 3450965
*+Rice, J. Hildebrand, A., Waslo, C., Cameron, M. and Jones, K.D. (2021) Cannabis for medical purposes: a cross-sectional analysis of health care professionals’ knowledge. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. March 19, ePub ahead of print. PMID: 33767121
*Friend, R., Bennett, R.M., Aebischer, J.H., St John, A.R., Jones, K.D. (2021) Validating the revised
Symptom Impact Questionnaire (SIQR) questionnaire with a proposed fibromyalgia phenotype using experimentally induced pain and patient self-reports. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. May. PMID: 34001310
Firestone, K.A.., Johnston, H, Portanova Frenz, J.& Jones, K.D (ePub ahead of print) Integrating Complex Pain Concepts into Prelicensure Nursing Education: An Unfolding Case Study to Enhance Clinical Reasoning and Competency. Nurse Educator

Dr. Jones is an award-winning educator. As faculty she has taught and developed curriculum in pre-licensure, Masters, FNP, PhD, interprofessional programs and co-developed the first DNP program in Oregon. She has mentored over 30 pre-doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and K-scientists from across the globe including publishing with students and trainees. She has served as Invited Visiting Faculty, The Parker Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark(2009) and Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (2016). She has developed mentorship and teaching programs for new faculty and has received awards for teaching including Nurse of the Year, Teaching Award, All Oregon Higher Education (2017) and Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award for Teaching Innovation, OHSU (2009). Her greatest joy is watching her former students and current faculty succeed, many of whom are now researchers, deans,program directors, policy leaders and clinical experts.

Our research team has produced data that increased the understanding of neuroendocrine dysfunction and exercise intolerance in people with fibromyalgia. Specifically, we developed and tested exercise modifications given our finding that 90% of people with fibromyalgia fail to mount a normal growth hormone (GH) response to exercise at VO2 peak, have low baseline insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) adjusted for age. We also demonstrated GH normalization in response to a variety of drugs that alter the tonic balance between growth hormone releasing hormone and somatostatin. These findings were first reported by our team and since replicated by others. Inadequate growth hormone release may result in perturbed muscle repair after exercise. The resulting delayed onset muscle soreness may be interpreted as deep aching pain due to enhanced central processing (Jones, PI, NIAMS R01). This line of inquiry has been furthered by our discovery that women with fibromyalgia fail to produce expected anti-inflammatory/cytokine response to exercise (Jones & Wood Co-PIs, NINR R21). These finding have implications for why patients may experience severe fatigue after overexertion. We have tested multiple pharmacologic interventions prior to exercise that correct neuroendocrine deficits acutely (e.g., pyridostigmine bromide), but failed to move biomarkers farther downstream (e.g., IGF-1). Relatedly, we completed an R-21 funded genome-wide expression profile of the peripheral blood of women with fibromyalgia. In addition to the expected findings relevant to pathways for pain processing (glutamine/glutamate signaling and axonal development), there was also novel upregulation of several inflammatory pathways and down regulation of pathways related to hypersensitivity.
Low-intensity standard exercise (aerobics/strength/flexibility) has been demonstrated by us and others to improve physical fitness/function, pain and stiffness, but does little to improve unrefreshing sleep. Moreover, symptom improvements waned after the intervention, as participants did not continue their practice. This gap led us to develop and test complementary mind/body movement interventions in fibromyalgia. In separate studies, we demonstrated that Tai chi and yoga do indeed result in significant symptom relief, including sleep, while also providing robust improvement in strength, flexibility and balance. We hypothesize that the mindful portions of these modalities can be practiced ‘off the mat’ and move people toward positive cognitive reframing. But ‘off the shelf’ mindfulness-based stress reduction protocols need to be edited in response to our findings that people with fibromyalgia may have non-mindful observations to sound, sight, smell, and touch, perhaps related to enhanced central processing. All our trials are anchored by our published multi-step recruitment process that yields <9% attrition in complex drug/exercise trials (Jones, K.D. et al., 2010, Applied Nursing Research.23 (4):227-32).
Our neurosensory analysis work, first in fibromyalgia, demonstrated that the average 40 year old with fibromyalgia has balance scores predicted for an 80 year old. Further, the relative deficits in somatosensory, visual and vestibular systems, mirror accelerated aging. We have also documented other fall-related risk factors, poor physical function status and extreme deconditioning in these patients. We leverage these data to design and test exercise interventions across the age-span that are sensitive to deficits in aerobic, strength, flexibility and balance.
Our team developed and tested The Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ-R). We updated the original questionnaire (also developed by our team) as more recent data have confirmed the importance of problems not previously assessed such as poor balance, tenderness to touch, dyscognition, and sensitivity to bright light/loud noise. The FIQ-R has adapted to other cultures, has been translated to 9 languages and modified for use in children. It has been used in 38 clinical trials registered on clinical and has significant adoption internationally. We developed a fibromyalgia-neutral version of the FIQ-R (SIQ-R, Symptom Impact Questionnaire) for use in other pain populations. We are currently using the SIQ-R in our Department of Defense funded work with veterans who have pain associated with mild traumatic brain injury. The SIQ-R questionnaire is now being used in primary care, particularly to screen for fibromyalgia among those with other chronic pain states reflecting the clinical and translational impact of this research.

2021 International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame
2021 Sigma International Nursing Honor Society
2019 Women Who Move the City Award
2018 Fellow of the Western Academy of Nurses (FWAN)
2017 Janet G Travell Award- For Research Excellence in Myofascial Pain
2010 Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN)