Laura Kimble
Dr. Laura Kimble is Associate Dean for Academic Operations and Clinical Professor at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing. In a 30-year career as a nurse educator and researcher, she has spent the majority of her career at Emory University with 16 years of service. She previously served as Professor and Piedmont Healthcare Endowed Chair of Nursing at Mercer University. Dr. Kimble is a Fellow of the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Nursing. As an administrator, Dr. Kimble has a strong interest and expertise in faculty development and mentoring, particularly mentoring junior faculty.
Dr. Kimble’s research focuses on understanding the biologic basis for patient symptoms using metabolomics and other methods. Her prior work as a symptom scientist primarily focused on women with chronic symptoms of ischemic heart disease and instruments she has developed to measure symptoms and health outcomes have been used by researchers nationally and internationally. More recently, her research focuses on patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and addressing health disparities around symptoms and quality of life in this population. Dr. Kimble's research has been funded by National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH as well as the American Heart Association. She is the author or co-author of multiple data-based articles and abstracts focused on the symptom experience in persons with chronic illness and symptom management. As an educator, she has primarily taught at the graduate level with a focus on applied statistics, mixed methods, and instrumentation/ measurement. She also has served as PI or co-PI on multiple HRSA grants to support educational innovations. She has supervised and/or mentored multiple PhD in Nursing students in completing and publishing their dissertations. Dr. Kimble has received honors for both her research and teaching, including the Georgia Nurses Association Researcher of the Year Award, the Outstanding Alumna Award for Research from the University of Kentucky and the Teacher/Scholar Award from Emory University. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Professional Nursing and as a Board Member of the Rheumatology Nurses Society.

Areas of Expertise

Kimble, L. P., Leslie, S., & Carlson, N. (2020). Metabolomics research conducted by nurse-scientists: A systematic scoping review. Biological Research for Nursing. Epub ahead of print: doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1099800420940041
Kimble, L. P., Phan, Q, Hillman, J., Blackman, J., Shore, C., Swainson, N., & Amobi, C. N. (2020). The CAPACITY Professional Development Model for community-based primary care nurses: Needs assessment and curriculum planning. Nursing Economic$, 38,110-120,148.
Clark, P.C., Kimble, L.P., Bates, T. A., & Marcus, J. A. Strategies for successful promotion for clinical track faculty. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Published ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2019.12.002
Johnson, C., Kimble, L. P., Gunby, S. S., & Davis, A.. (2019) Using peer-to-peer deliberate practice and simulation for psychomotor skill competency acquisition and retention: A mixed method study. Nurse Educator. Published ahead of print. doi: NE.0000000000000713
Chen, H., Bellury, L., Kimble, L. P. et al. (2019). Multi-wave formative evaluation of a retention program for minority nursing students: Intended effects, unintended consequences, and remedial actions. American Journal of Evaluation. Published on line at https://journals.sagepub.com/ doi/abs/10.1177/1098214018803595?journalCode=ajec
Hopkins, C., +Kimble, L. P. et al. (2019) Mixed methods study of coping and depression in adolescent girls with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.31,189-197. doi: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000125.
Laibhen-Parkes, N., +Kimble, L. P.,Melnyk, B., Sudia, T., & Codone, S. (2018). An adaptation of the original Fresno test to measure evidence-based practice competence in pediatric bedside nurses. World Views on Evidence Based Nursing.doi:10.1111.wvn.12289 [Epub Ahead of Print]

Dr. Kimble is a master teacher who has taught across all levels of programs in the School of Nursing and has had a major impact within Emory and on nursing education within the state of Georgia. She is respected by students and her peers for her expertise in symptom science in the intersection of cardiovascular risk and autoimmune disease, teaching-learning and pedagogy. Her 28-year career in academia has primarily focused on teaching at the graduate level with a focus on applied health care statistics and research methods.

Dr. Kimble's work focuses on symptom management in chronic illness with a particular focus on autoimmune diseases, specifically systemic lupus erythematosus. She is currently funded by NIH to examine the biologic basis for multiple symptoms in patients with lupus using metabolomics.

2020 Vulcan Materials Company Teaching Excellence Award, Emory University-wide award
2017 Woodruff Leadership Academy, Emory Health Sciences Center, Emory University
2012 Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
2004 Teacher/Scholar Award, Emory University-wide Teaching Award, May, 2004