Melinda K. Higgins
Melinda Higgins is a Professor, research track, and co-founder of R-Ladies Atlanta (https://www.meetup.com/rladies-atlanta/) and current (2020-2022) Vice Chair of District 5 for the American Statistical Association Council of Chapters (https://www.amstat.org/ASA/Membership/Chapters.aspx). She is also the author/creator of two online courses: R for SAS Users (https://www.datacamp.com/courses/r-for-sas-users) and Reproducible Templates for Analysis and Dissemination (https://www.coursera.org/learn/reproducible-templates-analysis).
She is a senior biostatistician and research professor in the Office of Nursing Research - School of Nursing - Emory University in Atlanta, GA (2007-current). She is the author and teacher of two PhD level courses at Emory: Quantitative Analysis of Clinical Data every Fall semester (https://melindahiggins2000.github.io/N736/) and Big Data Analytics for Healthcare every Spring semester (https://melindahiggins2000.github.io/N741bigdata/). Prior to that she was a Principal Research Scientist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (1996-2011) (https://gtri.gatech.edu/) and Program Manager for the $17M National Guard Bureau Technology Consortium.
She has over 25+ years experience performing and managing research in wide-ranging applications including healthcare bio-behavioral phenotype characterization and modeling, statistical support for clinical trials, aircraft sensor systems, remote sensing, multispectral/hyperspectral processing, signatures intelligence, knowledge decision support systems, geospatial information systems, sensors and image fusion, and target recognition.

Areas of Expertise



2018 American Statistics Association Service Award