Michael McCullough
48 years experience in EMS and Emergency Medicine Fire Chief/ Public Safety Director - Retired 32 years
Faculty Emory
12 years
Special Interest Resuscitation Science, Trauma Care, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Homeland Security, Emergency Management Fire Prevention and Arson Investigation
Emergency Nurse Practitioner
Schumacher Group
Department of Emergency Medicine
Piedmont Newnan Hospital
Emergency Nurse Practitioner
Piedmont Urgent Care
12 Years
Emergency Nurse Practitioner
Pinewood Studios
Disney Risk Management
Marvel Studios
Consultant and Practitioner 11 Years
Medical Services and Legal Consultant Services Contractual
40 years.

Areas of Expertise

Disaster Response - A Global Concern
Advance Emergency Nursing Journal
Emergency Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies Textbook. Contributor
American Heart Association
Various Educational Materials
BCLS, ACLS, First Aide, PALS and Instructor Text and Video productions. 1996-2016
Critical Care Paramedic Textbook. Chapter Author. 2012EMS Textbook Author, Editor and Reviewer. Various Textbooks from 1985 to 2012

The job of a teacher is not to point out the students insecurities but to help them overcome.

The importance of research is to change policy and behavior thru evidence, Most importantly it is to translate research into practice thru interactive and engaging teaching strategies.