Miranda Hawks
Miranda Hawks is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Emory University’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing. She earned her PhD in Nursing from the Medical College of Georgia in 2016, following an MSN in Nursing/Clinical Nurse Leadership in 2010, and a BS in Biology from Georgia Southwest State University in 2007. Hawks is licensed as a Registered Nurse in Georgia and holds Certified Clinical Nurse Leader credentials. Additionally, she has completed Graduate Certificates in eLearning Design and Online Teaching from the University of Georgia.
Hawks has served as an Assistant Professor at Kennesaw State University’s Wellstar School of Nursing and as a Clinical Assistant Professor at Georgia State University’s Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions. Her teaching interests span nursing ethics, pathophysiology, pharmacology, nursing informatics, evidence-based practice, qualitative research, and nursing research. She specializes in competency-based education, online teaching and learning, and the integration of the AACN 2021 Essentials into nursing curricula. Dr. Hawks is actively involved in eLearning design, faculty development, and mentoring. Clinically, Hawks has experience across various settings including community environments (e.g., schools), cardiac catheterization labs, and medical-surgical, operating room, emergency department, and clinic settings as a research nurse.

Areas of Expertise

Hawks, M., & Jones, A. (2024). Raul Ramirez: Designing Educational Materials for Neurodiverse Patient Populations in Navigating Complex Team Dynamics. 6th edition of the ID CaseBook, Eds. Ertmer, P.A., Galezewski, K.D., Koehler, A.A., & Stefaniak, J.E. Routledge. [Invited]
Adebayo, M., Garringer, M., Hawks, M., & Whiddon, A. (2024). Enhancing nurse communication skills with SBAR experiential training. AACN Essentials Teaching Resource Database (Peer Reviewed).
https://www.aacnnursing.org/essentials/database/kit/i/sbar-tool [Refereed]
Saye, J.L., Patterson, T.M., Holtzhower, M., Sylvester, T., & Hawks, M. (2024) Curriculum mapping for AACN Essentials 2021 Adoption: Experiences of a faculty domain team in evolving understanding of person-centered care. Journal of Nursing Education & Practice, 14(9), 1-7.
https://doi.org/10.5430/jnep.v14n9p1 [Refereed]
Ngo, T. D., Hawks, M., Ruzafa-Martinez, M., Le, T. K. C., Nguyen, T. T. T., Nguyen,
H. T., & Nguyen, T. N. H. (2023). Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the Vietnamese version of the evidence-based practice competency questionnaire for registered nurses (EBP-COQ Prof©). Nursing Practice Today, 10(3), 261-272.
https://doi.org/10.18502/npt.v10i3.13435. [Refereed/Corresponding Author]
Ngo, T. D., Hawks, M., Nguyen, T. T. T., Nguyen, T. N. H., Nguyen, H. T., & Mai, N.
T. T. (2023). Self-care knowledge in patients with intestinal stomas in a selected hospital in the south of Viet Nam: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Belitung Nursing Journal, 9(4), 331. https://doi.org/10.33546/bnj.2711. [Refereed/Corresponding Author]
Ngo, D., & Hawks, M. (2023). An international partnership between two universities in Vietnam & the United States in undergraduate nursing curriculum development. Science Talks, 5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sctalk.2023.100161.
[Invited/Corresponding Author]
Hahn, J., Huseman-Maratea, D., & Hawks, M. (2022). Nurse leaders in the US and Vietnam apply complexity science to support innovation and collaboration. Nursing Management, 53(6), 32-37. 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000831420.35667.94 [Invited]
Hawks, M., Bratton, A., Mobley, S., Barnes, V., Weiss, S., & Zadinsky, J. (2022). Early adolescents’ physical activity and nutrition beliefs and behaviours. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 17(1), 2050523.
https://doi.org/10.1080/17482631.2022.2050523 [Refereed/Corresponding Author]
Mahasneh, D., Shoqirat, N., Singh, C., & Hawks, M. (2021). “From the classroom to Dr. YouTube:” Nursing students' experiences of learning and teaching styles in Jordan. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(1), 5-9.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teln.2020.09.008 [Refereed]
Hawks, M., Huseman-Maratea, D., Nguyen, A., Nguyen, L., & Romkema, S. (2020). International nursing leadership: The Vietnam Nurse Practice Improvement Project. Nurse Leader, 18(3), 248-252.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mnl.2020.03.013 [Refereed]

Hawks is committed to fostering learner-centered approaches in nursing education by emphasizing experiential learning and universal design for learning. Striving to integrate the arts into the curriculum, Hawks aims to create dynamic and engaging educational experiences that resonate with diverse learning styles and promote deeper understanding of the content. This approach supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for nursing practice. Through innovative teaching methods, Hawks strives to connect theoretical concepts with practical applications to enhancing students' ability to navigate complex clinical scenarios.

Hawks’ research interests are centered on nursing education and curriculum development, global health partnerships, evidence-based practice, and the use of virtual/mixed reality in nursing training. Her secondary research interests include research on physical activity and nutrition behaviors in early adolescents.

2022 Mentorship Initiative Award, Georgia State University
2019-Present Governor’s Teaching Fellow, University of Georgia Institute of Higher Education
2017 Teacher of the Year, Piedmont University