Nicholas Giordano
Dr. Nicholas Giordano is an Assistant Professor, tenure track, and his research focuses on characterizing biopsychosocial symptom trajectories that can be utilized to stratify individuals at risk for experiencing poor health outcomes and to inform the timely delivery of targeted interventions.
Nicholas holds a BSN, MS, and PhD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and an AM from the Wharton School's Statistics Department at the University of Pennsylvania. Nicholas completed his postdoctoral training at the Uniformed Services University's Defense and Veterans Center for Integrative Pain Management.

Areas of Expertise

Giordano, N.A., Burch, R., Highland, K.B., Gelfand, H., Buckenmaier, C.C. & Kent, M. (2020). The big short(age): Changes in perioperative practices and outcomes during a fentanyl shortage at a tertiary care facility. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 25(6), e470-e472.
Giordano, N.A., Kent, M., Dickens, J.F., Millington, M., Buckenmaier, C.C., Highland, K.B. (2021). A longitudinal comparison of patient-reported outcome measurement information system (PROMIS) to legacy scales in knee and shoulder arthroscopy patients. Arthroscopy, 37(1): 185-194.
Giordano, N.A., Kane, A., Jannace, K., Rojas, W., Lindl, M.J., Lujan, E., Gelfand, H., Kent, M. & Highland, K. (2020). Discrete and dynamic postoperative pain catastrophizing trajectories across 6 months: A prospective observational study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 101(10): 1754-1762.
Giordano, N.A., Whitney, C., Axson, S.A., Cassidy, K., Costello, E. & Hoyt-Brennan, A. (2020) Virtual reality compared to hybrid simulation for opioid related overdose and naloxone training. Nurse Education Today. 88, 104365.
Gallagher, R., Polomano, R.C., Giordano, N.A., Farrar, J., Guo, W., Taylor, L., Oslin, D., Goff, B., & Buckenmaier, C.C. (2019). A prospective cohort study examining the use of regional anesthesia for early pain management after combat-related extremity injury. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, 44(12), 1045-1052.
Axson, S.A., Giordano, N.A. Herman, R. & Ulrich, C. (2019). Nurse understanding and participation in the informed consent process. Nursing Ethics. 26(4), 1050-1061.
Giordano, N.A. , Bader, C., Richmond T. & Polomano, R.C. (2018). Complexity of the relationships of pain, post-traumatic stress & depression in combat-injured populations: An integrative review to inform evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. 15(2), 113-126.
Polomano, R., Fillman, M., Giordano, N., Vallerand, A., Nicely, K. & Jungquist, C. (2017). Multimodal analgesia for acute postoperative and trauma-related pain. American Journal of Nursing. 117(3), S12-S26.
Schoneboom, B.A., Perry, S.M., Barnhill, W.K., Giordano, N.A., Nicely, K.L.W. & Polomano, R.C. (2016). Answering the call to address chronic pain in military service members and veterans: Progress in improving pain care and restoring health. Nursing Outlook. 64(5), 459-484.

Nicholas has taught quantitative research methodology courses and statistics courses to both undergraduates and graduate students. In his lectures, Nicholas teaches nurses from across practice settings the skills needed to rigorously evaluate research publications and practice guidelines so that they feel prepared to implement and provide high quality evidence-based care to their patients.

Pain is a universal phenomenon that impacts the wellness and physical function of individuals living all over the globe. Yet how we express pain, measure pain, and manage pain varies from individual to individual. Therefore, as a nurse and pain scientist Nicholas is committed to advancing the standardization and utilization of patient-reported outcomes that can be used to inform individualized pain management across healthcare settings and evaluate the impact of multimodal opioid sparing pain management interventions.

2023 - Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
2023 - National Academy of Medicine’s Emerging Leaders Forum, Washington DC
2023 - Early Science Investigator Award, Southern Nursing Research Society
Fulbright Scholar, Deakin University & Alfred Heath, Melbourne, Australia
Jonas Policy Scholar, American Academy of Nursing & Jonas Philanthropies
Huffman Splane Emerging Nurse Scholar, University of Toronto, Canada
Henry O. Thompson Prize in Ethics, University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing
Associate Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University of Pennsylvania
Nurses for Tomorrow Merit Scholarship Recipient, Independence Blue Cross Foundation
Hillman Scholar in Nursing Innovation, Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation