Dr. Ran Xiao is an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University and an AI Faculty member under the Emory AI.Humanity Initiative.
Dr. Xiao earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 2015. He further honed his expertise through postdoctoral training at the University of Southern California and the University of California, San Francisco. Before joining Emory, he held a faculty position at Duke University.
A biomedical engineer by training, Dr. Xiao’s research focuses on integrating engineering principles with AI and machine learning to advance healthcare research. He has extensive experience in analyzing physiological waveforms (EEG, ECG, and PPG) and leveraging structured and unstructured electronic health record (EHR) data with AI. His work aims to improve care for conditions related to the heart (atrial fibrillation, acute coronary syndromes) and brain (developmental science, Parkinson’s disease).

Areas of Expertise

ShakyaS, Prevett J, Hu X, Xiao R. Characterization of Parkinson’s Disease Subtypes and Related Attributes. Front Neurol. 2022; 13:810038.
Xiao R, Ding C, Hu X. Temporal Synchronization of Multimodal Physiological Signals through Alignment of Common Signal Types and Its TechnicalConsiderations in Digital Health. J. Imaging 2022; 8(5): 120.
Nishiyori RCO, Xiao RCO, Vanderbilt D, Smith BA. Electroencephalography measures of relative power and coherence as reaching skill emerges in infants born preterm. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):3609.
Xiao R, Do D, Ding C, Meisel K, Lee RJ, Hu X. Generalizability of Super Alarmvia Cross-Institutional Performance Evaluation. IEEE Access. 2020;8:132404-12.
Xiao R, Xu Y, Pelter MM, Fidler R, Badilini F, Mortara DW, et al. Monitoringsignificant ST changes through deep learning. J Electrocardiol.2018;51(6S):S78-S82.
Xiao R, Ding L. EEG resolutions in detecting and decoding finger movements from spectral analysis. Front Neurosci. 2015;9(SEP):308.

Dr. Xiao teaches topics surrounding health informatics and data science. He has offered Data-driven healthcare improvements and Data analytics II courses in the DNP program. His teaching goal is to bring knowledge of AI and data science to healthcare providers and to help prepare students ready for the ongoing technological transformation in healthcare.

Dr.Xiao’s research interests lie in implementing engineering principles and machine learning in advancing healthcare research. His research portfolio includes three main research directions. First, improve clinical management of acute coronary syndrome through AI and utilizing prehospital data elements.Second, leveraging multimodal information in EHR and machine learning to predict various clinical endpoints (cardiac arrest, sepsis, ARDS, etc.). Third,uncover and understand the underlying neural substrates during the development(infancy and childhood) and degeneration (Parkinson’s disease, etc.) of human neuromotor systems through analyzing electrophysiological data (EEG, ECoG,LPF).

Winner of Jos Willems EarlyCareer Investigator Competition, International Society for ComputerizedElectrocardiology (2018)
NVIDIA GPU Grant for Research on Deep Learning on Health Information, NVIDIACorp (2017)
Brain-Computer Interface Scholarship, BCI Society (2013)