Rasheeta D. Chandler
Rasheeta Chandler, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN is an Associate Professor,tenured, at Emory University’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing. In addition, Dr. Chandler has a Visiting Professorship at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Center for AIDS Prevention Science. Her research interests include HIV prevention in minority populations and comprehensive sex health promotion, supported by funding from the National Institute on Nursing Research. Through a series of pioneering studies, Dr. Chandler has addressed the sexual health interventions for a significant population—young Black women. Dr. Chandler’s steady and persistent science has generated new knowledge and clinically relevant strategies for improving health education with this group by incorporating social media and digital technologies into the health education process. Dr.Chandler has been invited to present her work to numerous national and international audiences for notable organizations such as the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC), Sigma Theta Tau International, the American Public Health Association (APHA), and the State of Science Congress on Nursing Research. She has been recognized for her contributions to minority health and nursing as a 40 under 40 Leader in Minority Health Care Award at the Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain trust, and also received the. Dr.Chandler is also recognized as an expert clinician by being inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (FAANP).
Rasheeta Chandler-Coley earned her PhD and master's degree in Nursing at the University of South Florida, and a bachelor's degree in nursing from Florida A&M University.

Areas of Expertise

Bond, K., Chandler, R., Chapman-Lambert, C., Jemmot, L., Lanier, Y. Cao, J., Nikpour, J., & Randolph, S. (in press). Ending the HIV epidemic among cisgender women in the United States. Where we have been, where we are going, and how nursing can lead the way: A review of the risk factors that drive the women’s HIV epidemic. Journal of Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (JANAC).
Chandler, R., Guillaume, D., Parker, A., Wells, J., Dorsey, J., & Hernandez, N. (2021). Developing culturally tailored mHealth tools to address sexual and reproductive health outcomes among Black and Latina women: A systematic review. Health Promotion Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/15248399211002831+
Chandler, R., Hernandez, N., Guillaume, D., & Parker, A. (2021). Promoting optimal sexual and reproductive health with mobile health tools for Black women: Combining technology, culture, and context. Perspectives of Sexual and Reproductive Health, 52(4), 205-209. https://doi.org/10.1363/psrh.12170+ Twitter feature @PSRHJournal
Chandler, R., Guillaume, D., Wells, J., Dorsey, J., & Hernandez, N. (2020). Sexual and reproductive health knowledge gaps identified by Black women: Considerations for the nurse educator. Association of Black Nursing Faculty Journal, 31(3), 88-94.*+
Chandler, R., Guillaume, D., & Parker, A., Mack, M., Hamilton, J., Dorsey, & Hernandez, N. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 among Black women: Evaluating perspectives and sources of information. Ethnicity and Health, 26(1), 80-93. https://doi.org/10.1080/13557858.2020.1841120.*+ Twitter feature @EthnicityHealth
Chandler, R., Guillaume, D., Tesema, N., Paul, S., Ross, H., & Hernandez, H. (2020). Social and environmental influences on sexual behaviors of college Black women: Within-group diversity between HBCU vs. PWI Experiences. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40615-020-00843-2*+
Sims, O.T., Wang, K., Chandler, R., Melton, P.A., & Truong, D.N. (2020). A descriptive analysis of concurrent alcohol and substance use among patients living with HIV/HCV co-infection. Social Work in Health Care, 59(7), 525-541. https://doi.org/10.1080/00981389.2020.1814938*
Pearson, T., Chandler, R., McCreary, L., McFarlin, B., & Patil, C. (2020). Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV: A comparison of African American women and healthcare professionals. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological & Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN), 49(6), 571-580. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40615-020-00843-2*+
Chandler, R., Hernandez, N., Paul, S., Ross, H., Hull, S., & Dera, N. (2020). The Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) consciousness of Black college women and the perceived hesitancy of public health institutions to curtail HIV in Black women. BioMed Central (BMC) Public Health, 20, 1172. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09248-6*
Guillaume, D., Chandler,R., Igbinoba, S. (2020). Barriers to cervical cancer screening among womenliving with HIV in low-and-middle income countries: A systematic review.Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 5, 497-516.https://doi.org/10.1097/JNC.0000000000000194+
Chandler,R., Hernandez, N., Guillaume, D., Grandoit, S.,Branch-Ellis, D., & Lightfoot, M. (2020). A community-engaged approach tocreating a mobile HIV prevention application for Black women: Focus group studyto determine preferences via prototype demos. Journal of Internet Research(JMIR) mHealth and uHealth, 8(7), e18437. https://doi.org/10.2196/18437*+
Media coverage-
2019 - To Halt HIV, Advocates Push For PrEP Outreach to Black Women
NPR Article_Chandler, R. Feature
2019 - Advocates push for Black women to be informed about PrEP
The Philly Tribune_Chandler, R._Feature
2020 - Making HIV Treatment and Prevention Relevant to Black Women
Contagion_Chandler, R. Feature

Dr. Chandler has taught classes in the nurse practitioner concentrations, qualitative research, HIV/AIDS, and Population/Public health to undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. She is motivated to contribute to the next generation of nurse leaders.

Dr. Chandler's long-term research objective is to alleviate sexual health disparities and inequities among Black women. In addition, she aims to develop, implement, and test intervention studies that will employ innovative modalities intended to promote behavioral change and facilitate optimal sexual/reproductive/maternal health outcomes. Dr. Chandler is an expert in health communication and the implementation of innovative/digital methodology.She is competent in coaching patients and caregivers on topics like SexuallyTransmitted Infections (STIs), reproductive health, and technology integration into care.
Informed by clinical practice, Dr. Chandler completed a three-year NIH K award (K01NR013435) that aimed to appraise the feasibility of a full HIV Prevention RCT targeting Black female college students and estimate effect size on behavioral theory-based outcomes. Participation in the HIV prevention intervention group was associated with positive changes in the study outcomes of interest. In a recent NIH-funded study (Neilands; sub-awardee-Chandler: R25MH067127), Dr. Chandler led a team in developing nine interactive HIV prevention-focused mobile app wireframes, a digital depiction of app content and functionality. Four wireframes were selected and were shown to focus groups of Black women (N=23) to seek feedback on app content and features. Participants expressed a desire for an integrated HIV prevention and optimal sexual health promotion mobile app. ‘In The Know’ Mobile app development is pending. In addition, Dr. Chandler is the Co-PI (Dorsey/Chandler/Hernandez) on a telemedicine pilot study, which is testing the feasibility of STI self-testing,STI prevention training, and STI treatment (e-prescribing) remotely by means of telecommunications technology, being implemented at a non-profit community clinic (Health and Human Services-HHS; Healthy Start supplemental grant). Dr. Chandler integrates technology into methodological approaches, with a goal of reducing health disparities/inequities and translating research findings into sustainable, relevant, community endorsed lifestyles.

Selected Funding:
Johnson andJohnson (Hernandez/Chandler/Parker)
Addressing Maternal Health and Racial Inequity in Georgia: Prevent MaternalMortality using Mobile Technology (PM3) App
Role: Co-PI
Georgia Tech COVID-19 Rapid Response Seed Grant (Parker)
Maternal Health Telemedicine for Low-income Black Women Amidst COVID-19
Role: Co-PI
04/30/20 (no end date)
Website: https://sites.gatech.edu/maternalmentalhealthstudy/
MinorityPopulations Prevention Researcher Training (Neilands)
Mobile HIV Prevention App for BlackWomen: Preferences and Prototype (Chandler)
Role: Sub-award PI
Getting Black College WomenPrEPed: PrEParing to be sexually savvy (Chandler)
Role: PI
EmoryUniversity Research Committee
Creating Representative AdvertisementsZone [C.R.A.ZE]: HIV/STI Media Messages for Black Women who attend HistoricallyBlack Colleges/Universities (Chandler)
TheDean’s Research Development Award, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Role: PI
Tailoring a HIV preventionintervention for college-aged black women. (Chandler)
Role:PI (.75)
05/12/13 – 05/01/16
2021Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance (CTSA) Team Science Awardof Distinction for Early Research Teams (Co-Awardees: Natalie Hernandez,PhD; Andrea Parker, PhD)
2018 Excellence in Innovation Faculty Award, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), University of California, San Francisco, Training Program for Scientists Conducting Research to Reduce HIV/STI Health Disparities
2016 March of Dimes, Nurse of the Year
2016 Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (FAANP)
40 under 40 Leaders in Minority Health, Congressional Black Caucus Braintrust’s Award Gala
Early Career Reviewer, Center of Scientific Review, NIH
2018 Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), University of California, San Francisco, Training Program for Scientists Conducting Research to Reduce HIV/STI Health Disparities
2018 Excellence in Innovation Faculty Award, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
2018 Excellence in HIV Prevention Award, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC)
2019 Research in Minority Health Award, Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS)
2019 American Academy of Nursing, Fellow (FAAN)
2020 National Black Nurses Association, Researcher of the Year Award for 2020