In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Emory University School of Nursing (SON) is committed to making reasonable accommodations to assist students with documented disabilities to fulfill their educational objectives. Students with disabilities are an essential part of our Emory community. Students with disabilities who wish to request accommodations under the ADA must follow the University’s procedures for verification of ADA eligibility by submitting supporting documentation to the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS). Once OAS verifies an individual’s ADA eligibility, they will work with the SON’s Director of Career Services and Student Affairs, Mrs. Arnita Howard to coordinate accommodations while matriculating. Get more information about University procedures for students with disabilities seeking accommodations, on the OAS website at .
General Questions
What should I do if my faculty member asks me questions about the type of accommodations I need?
Faculty can contact the Director of Career Services and Student Affairs and OAS office should they need more information related to the accommodation plan.
What if I have a temporary condition that requires disability accommodations?
While the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not recognize temporary injuries as a disability for which an accommodation is legally mandated, Emory University may be available to assist students who have a temporary injury or condition which results in a functional impairment. These may include broken bones, injuries requiring surgery, or other temporary conditions which are reviewed on a case-by-case basis (i.e. concussion). Appropriate provisional accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis and may include assistance with obtaining class notes, and assistance with taking exams and/or quizzes if the student is unable to write.
What type of accommodation plan might I expect to receive from the OAS?
OAS provides specific guidance for how to provide accommodations. This process requires a coordinated effort on the part of the student, OAS, and the School of Nursing. Depending on the type of accommodation a student is approved for, OAS has procedures and guidelines in place. A student should speak with the OAS representative if they have any questions while the accommodation plan is being developed and thereafter
Are academic accommodations the same as clinical accommodations?
No, academic accommodations differ from clinical accommodations. If a request for both types of accommodations are needed, the timeline to receive accommodations for both areas may vary. Advance preparation will ensure the student has the needed accommodations in place in a timely fashion.
When will my accommodations begin once I have made the request?
If a request for eligibility verification is made by the student at the start of an academic period, accommodations cannot be implemented until the student's registration is finalized with OAS. Because of the number of verifications being processed at the beginning of the academic period, students are urged to submit their request for eligibility verification and accommodations as far in advance as possible
Will the letter of accommodation be stored in my record?
The accommodation letter will be retained separately from the student's academic file. The Director of Career Services and Student Affairs will maintain a folder containing the accommodation letter for each student. Access to the accommodation letter will be limited with appropriate confidentiality maintained. The School will not release details related to accommodations to other programs i.e., academic or residency programs.
What should I do with the accommodation letter I obtain from the OAS?
It is the responsibility of the student to share the accommodation letter with their course faculty and Mrs. Howard in the Office of Enrollment and Student Affairs.
The student should schedule an appointment to meet with Mrs. Howard to assist in the implementation of the accommodation plan. Unless a separate request is made, to the Director of Career Services and Student Affairs, the accommodation letter will be considered the student authorization to release information regarding the need for accommodations to appropriate others (faculty, staff, etc.) on a need to know basis. Faculty and others will be provided with guidelines for accommodations. No information about the student's diagnosis, condition or history will be available to course instructors or others from whom a student might request an accommodation. No retroactive consideration will be given to students who fail to request or to complete the OAS registration process.
What should I do if my situation or needs change?
If an adjustment to an accommodation is needed, it is the student's responsibility to contact OAS. The student must request an adjustment to their accommodation plan. If changes are warranted based on OAS's review, an updated accommodation letter must be shared with both the course faculty members and Mrs. Howard. The letter is official notice of the individual's ADA eligibility and guidelines related to reasonable accommodations appropriate for the individual's needs. Accommodations are only determined by OAS.
Do I need to repeat the registration process for ADA eligibility annually?
Do I need to repeat the registration process for ADA eligibility annually? Once a student's ADA eligibility has been verified and accommodations are finalized, there is no need to repeat the registration process unless the student's situation or needs change or the student was approved for temporary accommodations only. Students must request an updated accommodation letter each term to share with your faculty members and Mrs. Howard.