General Questions
What neighborhoods are close to Emory University?
Following is a relative list of neighborhoods that are close to the campus. It is not intended to be a complete listing. It is provided only to assist students who may be unfamiliar with the Atlanta area while they are reviewing classified ads and listings.
Decatur Midtown
DeKalb Buckhead
East Lake Morningside
Oakhurst East Atlanta
Virginia-Highland Grant Park
Little Five Points Ormewood
Inman Park Druid Hills
Candler Park
Where can I look for places to live off campus?
Local apartment finder services might be an option for some students. The Residence Life web page lists some suggestions. The local newspapers also offer classified ads that are a great resource and they can be accessed online.
Creative Loafing:
Emory Off-Campus Housing Finder
What are the housing options for incoming students?
There are a variety of on-campus and off-campus options for incoming students. For more information, please visit Emory Residence Life & Housing.
Where should my official transcripts be sent?
Your official transcripts should be mailed or sent electronically to the Office of Enrollment and Student Affairs. Our mailing address is 1520 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta GA 30322. Transcripts sent electronically should be emailed to Materials sent to any other address or Emory office will not be forwarded to the School of Nursing.

BSN Questions
What is the student to clinical faculty ratio?
The pre-licensure clinical faculty to student ratio is 8:1.
What clinical sites are used in the pre-licensure programs?
Emory nursing students benefit from Emory’s rich healthcare resources in the Atlanta area. Clinical's are done at many local hospitals including Emory University, Emory University Hospital Midtown, Grady Memorial Hospital, the VA Medical Center, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Northside, Wesley Woods, and many more. Other local resources that students benefit from include the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Carter Center, and the American Cancer Society.
Is a deposit required after getting accepted?
Please see your admission letter for deposit information.
What is the deadline for admission?
We encourage all applicants to have their application materials received or postmarked by the priority deadline. Any applications completed after the priority deadline will be considered on a space-available basis only. Admissions deadlines can be viewed at
What is the minimum GPA for admission?
We prefer to see at least a 3.0 in all course work.
Is an interview required for admission to the BSN program?
Interviews are not required for admission to the BSN program. However, the Admission Committee may request an interview if special circumstances exist.
Are test scores required for admission to the BSN program?
Yes. Test scores are a requirement to complete your application for admission if you are a BSN Transfer applicant. Test scores for the BSN program include the TEAS, SAT, ACT, or GRE. The HESI exam will not be accepted.
What is the application fee?
The application fee is $50.
*Applicants that are applying as a transferring or graduated Emory student will have their application fee waived.
Is the BSN program full time?
The BSN program is a full-time program. Students may be able to work minimal hours at a flexible part-time job while enrolled in the program.
Do I have to apply to Emory University and to the School of Nursing?
No, only one application to the School of Nursing is required.
How do you handle dual enrollment while in high school?
The School of Nursing can accept dual enrollment credit (college level courses taken during high school) only if the college credit did not count towards meeting high school graduation requirements, the course was college level and taken at an regionally accredited college, university, or community college (i.e., not a course taught in the high school strictly for high school students), and a grade of C or higher was earned in the course. An official transcript reflecting credit and grades must be received from the accredited college or university.
Will you accept AP/IB/CLEP credit for my prerequisite requirements?
Yes, we will accept up to 12 AP/IB/CLEP credits toward prerequisite requirements as long as the credit hours and course work is displayed on your college transcript.
Do you accept transfer credits for nursing courses from other schools?
Transfer credits are not allowed for the pre-licensure nursing programs.
Do I need to complete all prerequisites before applying to the nursing school?
You may apply and be admitted to the nursing program without having completed all of the prerequisite courses, but enrollment in the program is contingent upon successful completion of all prerequisites with a grade of C or better.
Where can I take the prerequisite courses?
Prerequisites can be taken through at any regionally accredited higher education institution. Official transcripts must be sent from each institution attended regardless of if a degree was obtained.
How long is the accelerated MN+ MSN program?
The Accelerated MN+ MSN program begins each summer. The pre-licensure portion of the program is full time and takes approximately 15 months to complete (summer, fall, spring, summer). Students begin their MSN studies the next semester. The MSN portion of the program takes 4 to 5 semesters of full-time study depending on the student's chosen graduate specialty.
How long is the pre-licensure program?
All pre-licensure programs, with the exception of the Distance ABSN program, are 15 months in length. The Distance ABSN program is 12 months in length.
- The Master of Nursing Pre-licensure Program (MN) is a 15-month (4 semester), fall-entry (August), onsite program for becoming a nurse generalist. This program was converted from the Accelerated Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing as of fall 2020. MN students graduate, take the NCLEX, and become Registered Nurses.
- The InEmory Master of Nursing Pre-licensure Program (InEmory) is also a 15-month (4 semester) onsite, spring-entry (January), second-degree program that has the same curriculum as the MN. This program is a collaborative initiative with Emory Healthcare and the School of Nursing whereby graduates are prepared to take a medical-surgical position within Emory Healthcare upon graduation for two years. Students complete all clinical experiences at Emory Healthcare.
- The Distance Accelerated Bachelors’ of Science in Nursing (DABSN) similarly prepares graduates for a nurse generalist role and offers enrollment in Spring (January), Summer (May), and Fall (December). The DABSN is a 12 month online program that uses active learning strategies including an inquiry guided learning pedagogy, to engage students online and complete their clinical rotations near where they live. Students come to the Emory University Atlanta campus at three points: (1) for orientation, (2) for their first clinical rotation and skills experience, (3) and at the end of the program for their capstone experience. The DABSN model is not a self-paced online program. Students are in classes live with faculty and their cohort.
- The Accelerated Master’s of Science in Nursing or MN +MSN Program (AMSN) is for applicants who wish to become nurse practitioners or nurse-midwives, and who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in another field. This fast-track program begins each summer (May), allowing students to earn a MN degree in approximately 15 months and immediately begin their MSN course work. Full time plan of study option only.
How long is the BSN program?
The BSN freshman option and BSN transfer option begin every fall and are two-year, four semester (fall, spring, fall, spring) full-time programs.

MSN Questions
Is a deposit required after getting accepted?
Please see your admission letter for deposit information.
What is the deadline for admission?
We encourage all applicants to have their application materials received or postmarked by the priority deadline. Any applications completed after the priority deadline will be considered on a space-available basis only. Admissions deadlines can be viewed at
What is the minimum GPA for admission?
We prefer to see at least a 3.0 in all course work.
Do I have to have all of the prerequisites completed to apply to your nursing school?
You may apply and be admitted to the nursing program without having completed all of the prerequisite courses, but enrollment in the program is contingent upon successful completion of all prerequisites with a grade of C or better.
Do you accept transfer credits for nursing courses from other schools?
Transfer credits are not allowed for the pre-licensure nursing programs.
Can I enroll in any semester?
Students may enroll in the fall, spring, or summer semesters. You can enroll for full-time or part-time study in fall and part time only in spring and summer.
How long is the MSN program?
The length of the MSN program varies based on the specialty selected. Typically the program ranges from four to five semesters of full-time study (part time is available).
Do I have to apply to Emory University and to the School of Nursing?
No, only one application to the School of Nursing is required.
Are prerequisites being waived or modified due to COVID-19 and remote learning?
All GER requirements must still be met.

International Questions
How else can I finance my education?
International students are encouraged to look for outside funding to help offset the costs of tuition and fees. These sources include your own government as well as international agencies
What outside scholarships are available to students?
Private scholarships for college students are offered each year by various corporate, professional, trade, government, civic, religious, social, and fraternal organizations. These scholarships can range in amount from small honorariums to thousands of dollars. To be considered, students must meet the eligibility criteria specified by the donor and complete the donor's scholarship application. Searching for and applying for a scholarship is a time-consuming process, so it is a good idea to start as early as possible.
How do I get licensed in Georgia?
You should contact the Georgia Board of Nursing for the specific information on how to obtain licensure in Georgia. The process can be a lengthy one, especially if you still reside outside the country so it is highly encouraged that you begin the process of obtaining licensure at least a year before you plan to enroll in our program.
What if I am a permanent resident now but was educated outside the United States?
We require that you submit proof of residency by submitting a copy of your green card. While you will not need to complete the financial certification process, you still need to have any international coursework evaluated by World Education Services for previous non-nursing coursework and/or Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools for previous nursing coursework. You may contact our office for more information.
What if I am already in the United States?
If you are a BSN or MN student transferring from another institution after you have completed Optional Practical Training (OPT), then you will need to complete the transfer process which is slightly different. You may contact our office for more information.
When will my I-20 be issued?
The I-20 will be issued after we receive your deposit and after we receive the financial certification and visa information forms. It will be sent to you via Fed Ex or registered mail after which you can contact your consulate or embassy and follow their process for receiving your visa.
When should I complete the financial certification and the visa information forms?
After you are admitted and submit your tuition deposit Emory's International Student and Scholars Services office will reach out to you directly on next steps.
When will a decision on my application be made?
Admissions deadlines and decision dates can be viewed at
How do I apply?
Students can apply for admission by visiting
What program am I eligible for (international students)?
Students requiring F1 visas can apply to the BSN or MN programs.

Financial Aid Questions
What outside scholarships are available to students?
Private scholarships for college students are offered each year by various corporate, professional, trade, government, civic, religious, social, and fraternal organizations. These scholarships can range in amount from small honorariums to thousands of dollars. To be considered, students must meet the eligibility criteria specified by the donor and complete the donor's scholarship application. Searching for and applying for a scholarship is a time-consuming process, so it is a good idea to start as early as possible.
When are award notifications sent to students?
Students who submit their application by the priority scholarship consideration deadline (October 15, 2021), will hear about potential scholarship opportunities in mid-late December 2021. Need-based financial aid decisions will be released beginning in mid-January 2022.
Do I have to fill out the FAFSA and CSS profile to be awarded scholarships?
While, we highly recommend that all students fill out the FAFSA (all nursing students) and CSS Profile (BSN students only), these documents not required to be considered for scholarships that are not need-based. To be considered for need-based scholarships and grants, these forms are required.
Are part-time students considered for these awards?
Part-time students (student enrolled in less than 12 semester hours) are not eligible to receive any scholarships or grants. Part-time student are eligible to be considered for student loans if enrolled in at least 6 semester hours.
If I am an international student, am I eligible for these awards?
Yes, international students are eligible to be considered for merit-based and endowed scholarships as well as the Robert W. Woodruff Scholarship/Fellowship and FULD Fellowship.
How do I apply for the Robert W. Woodruff Scholarship/Fellowship as well as the FULD Fellowship?
Students who apply for admission by the priority scholarship consideration deadline will be automatically considered for these awards.
How many merit-based and endowed scholarships are available?
The average number of these awards varies annually dependent upon the number of students that are admitted and their academic backgrounds as well as the amount of available funds from the various endowments. : The amounts of these awards can vary from $1,000-4,000 per semester.
How do I apply for merit-based scholarships and endowed scholarships?
There is no separate application needed to apply for merit-based and endowed scholarships. If your application for admission is completed prior to the priority deadline for admission and you are admitted, you will automatically be considered for these awards.

Application Questions
When will I receive my admission decision?
Admission decision release dates can be found here.\
I want to make sure my application is complete. How can I check that?
Your Application Status Portal Page is the most up-to-date reflection of your application status. Any application materials that our office is still missing will show up in your “Application Checklist” at the bottom of the page. If an application item is still listed as “Awaiting Material” in your checklist, we have not received that item or it is still being processed.
Please keep in mind that if you submit application materials within one week of the priority deadline, it may take up to one month for those materials to be processed and added to your account. If you submit materials in this time frame, we ask that you look to your Status Portal Page to see when those materials have been processed. We encourage all applicants to submit the online application and other required application materials early, as this helps ensure that your application is complete by the priority deadline.
How do I submit my application?
You will need to click the “Submit” button to submit your application. If the “Submit” button is greyed out and you are unable to click on it, you still need to complete one or more required items on the application.
How do I pay my application fee?
Once you have submitted your application, you will be able to pay your application fee within your Application Status Portal Page.
How long should my resume be and what information should I include?
Your resume should be one to three pages in length, and it should include your education, employment, leadership roles, any community services you've completed, any certifications you have earned, any specialized skills you may have, and any other relevant information.
How do I submit my statement of purpose and resume?
Resumes can be uploaded to the application portal upon submission of the application for admission. The optional statement of purpose will also appear on the application portal following submission of the application.
How do I submit my recommendations?
Recommendations are not required for students applying to the pre-licensure programs. Contact information for three recommenders is required of students applying to the MSN, DNP or CRNA programs. The School of Nursing will reach out individually to those individuals directly.
Are test scores a required part of the application for admission?
Effective for the 2021 application cycle, applicants are no longer required to submit standardized test scores for the Distance ABSN, MN, MN+MSN, MSN, DNP or CRNA applications. BSN Transfer students will still be required to submit standardized test scores.
Can I submit my transcripts electronically?
The School of Nursing does accept electronic transcripts from the following services:
- Docufide
- ScriptSafe
- GA411
- E-Script
- Parchment
All electronic transcripts need to be sent to You will need to follow up to make sure that any transcript sent electronically was received by our office.
I have international transcripts; how do I submit those?
If you attended a college or university outside of the United States, you will need to have that transcript evaluated. All international transcripts with non-nursing coursework will need to be evaluated by World Education Services (WES), and all international transcripts with nursing coursework will need to be evaluated by CGFNS International. Those transcripts will be considered received when our office receives an official transcript evaluation from WES or CGFNS. We cannot accept transcript evaluations from any other transcript evaluation services.
If your international coursework was completed as a part of a study abroad program coordinated through your school in the US, you may not need to have that transcript evaluated. Please contact your Admission Advisor with questions about study abroad transcripts.
How do I submit my official transcripts?
To complete your application, you will need to submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities you've attended. If you attended a college while still enrolled in high school, that official transcript is required as part of your application. If you attended a college or university and withdrew from all of your courses, that official transcript is still required to complete your application. Official transcripts should be mailed to:
Emory University School of Nursing
Office of Enrollment and Student Affairs
1520 Clifton Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Transcripts sent electronically should be emailed to
As is true of all application materials, official transcripts sent to Emory College rather than the School of Nursing will not be forwarded to the School of Nursing. Transcripts sent to the incorrect address will need to be resent to the correct address.
I forgot my username and/or password for my application. What do I do?
If at any point you forget your password or user ID, do not create a second account/application. Once you've created an account, your user ID and password for the application will be emailed to you. Remember that the user ID and password are both case and space sensitive. For this reason, we recommend that you do not copy and paste either the user ID or password. If you have correctly typed both the user ID and password and are still unable to log into your application, please call our office for additional assistance. Information entered on separate applications cannot be combined or transferred to a second application.
How do I apply?
Students can apply for admission by visiting
Can I apply after the priority deadline?
Yes, applications are accepted after the priority deadline.
When do I need to have my application completed?
For application deadlines, visit this page.
Do my prerequisites need to be complete when I apply?
Prerequisite courses can be in progress when you apply. Those courses need to be complete with a grade of C or higher by the time the program you're applying for begins.

Why was my application waitlisted?
The Admission Committee uses a holistic review method that analyzes your academic background, leadership skills, social responsibility activities, and more to make admission decisions. Your application was evaluated in the context of the entire applicant pool. As a nationally recognized nursing school, the quality of our applicants is exceptional and admission to our programs is extremely competitive.
Is the waitlist ranked?
No, we do not rank our waitlist. If the Admission Committee determines that candidates on the waitlist need to be reviewed for possible admission, the entire waitlist is reviewed.
What should I expect now that I’m waitlisted?
The waitlist is not ranked. If the Admission Committee determines that candidates on the wait list need to be reviewed for possible admission, the entire waitlist is reviewed. You will be contacted directly if your admission decision changes.
Can the Admission Committee tell me what needs to be improved on my application?
The Office of Enrollment and Student Affairs works to provide an equitable application process for all students. Therefore, the admission committee does not individually consult on waitlisted applications.
Will my application be re-reviewed during each application round?
No, we do not re-review waitlist applications each decision round.
What can I do to get off the waitlist?
If you would like to improve the academic side of your application, you can take additional courses to help raise your GPA. You can also submit a standardized test score (TEAS, GRE, etc.) if the transcripts are not fully representative of your academic ability. If you have not already, we also highly suggest submitting a personal statement to provide more context into your interest in pursuing a nursing career at Emory.
How many students are accepted off the waitlist?
This differs every semester based upon student enrollment decisions.
How long will I be on the waitlist?
The waitlist remains active until the first day of class.
Does a letter of continued interest positively impact my application?
Demonstrated interest" is not a factor in our application review process. Things like letters of continued interest, visiting campus, attending a virtual session, or talking with or emailing an admission counselor have no impact on the evaluation of your application.