Room 118E
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Emory University
1520 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30322-4207
Computer Lab Policies and Procedures

Main Campus Computer Lab
The computer lab supports the educational goals of the School of Nursing by providing students access to computer resources and supplemental training materials.
Monday - Thursday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
Friday - 8:00am to 5:00pm

Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
- The 12 computers are only for the use of currently enrolled nursing students, faculty, and staff.
- No eating allowed in the computer lab.
- Cell Phone usage is not allowed in the computer lab.
- It is illegal to copy or borrow software and install in on a home computer or laptop.
- The transfer of copyrighted or protected software is in violation of US copyright laws.
- Broken or malfunctioning hardware or software should be reported to the lab rep on duty.
- Nursing students, faculty, and staff users are requested to leave workstations clean for the next person before leaving the computer lab.

Computing Center at Cox Hall

Cox Hall, 2nd Floor
569 Asbury Circle
Atlanta, GA 3032