Computer Requirements and Setup

Minimum Computer Requirements for Students

Minimum Computer Requirements for Students


  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or i7 (or equivalent AMD processor)
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Hard Disk: 500 GB SATA or 256 GB solid state drive (SSD)
  • Removable Storage: Not necessary (DVD recordable, USB flash drive or external hard drive for backups recommended)
  • Display: 1024x768 minimum (1280x800, 13” display or larger would be better)
  • Networking: WiFi 802.11g (802.11n better, 802.11ac best)
  • Operating System: Windows 10 home premium or higher, Mac OS 10.13.6 High Sierra or higher


  • Modern Browser: Internet Explorer 11, Firefox (latest version), Chrome (latest version)
  • Microsoft Office 2016 (Free to Emory Students via Office365)
  • Respondus Lockdown Browser (Free to Emory Students)
  • Additional software may be required.

Anti-Virus & Malware Options

FYI - Netbooks, tablets and computing devices that run light operating systems will not provide the optimal computing experience. These devices are not recommended for use as a primary computer.  

Laptop Set Up

  1. Minimum computer specs verified (Student can verify specs using the above information)
  2. Emory Unplugged configured (Student can do once they arrive on campus) – Connect to unplugged network (Wireless Network on Campus) and authenticate with Emory NetD and Password.
  3. MS Office downloaded and installed (Student can do before arriving to campus) – Go to - Login with Emory NetID and password then download/install software.  
  4. Microsoft Outlook configured for Emory Mail: When asked for your email address during email configuration put in your “Emory network” (Student can do before arriving to campus)  Windows -  , Mac -
  5. Install Emory EaglePrint drivers allowing you to print while on the LAN (EmoryUnplugged or VPN)
  6. Respondus LockDown Browser, used for testing environment in Blackboard. – (Student can do before arriving to campus) Go to, download and install:

Mobile Device Set up

  1. Emory Unplugged WiFi configured (Student can do once they arrive on campus) - Connect to unplugged network (Wireless Network on Campus) and authenticate with Emory NetD and Password.
  2. Emory Email added and configured: : When asked for your email address during email configuration put in your “Emory network” (Student can do before arriving on campus): Apple Devices - ,  Android Devices - (YOU MUST HAVE a 4-DIGIT PIN SECURING YOUR PHONE.)
  3. Blackboard Mobile Learn Installed, download from mobile App Store. (Can be done before arriving on campus)
  4. Nursing Central – Student MUST create account on computers in Nursing Computer lab at Nursing School to use the site license. Create Nursing Central account, download app from mobile App Store, log in with new account information. Go to ; use your Emory email account when creating.