Students with disabilities who wish to request accommodations under the ADA must follow the University’s procedures for verification of ADA eligibility by submitting supporting documentation to Department of Accessibility Services (DAS). Once DAS verifies an individual’s ADA eligibility, you will work with the SON’s Academic Support Services Office, to coordinate your accommodations while matriculating. Get more information about University procedures for students with disabilities seeking accommodations, including:
- How to make a request for accommodation and how it will be processed
- Self-identification procedures
- Documentation requirements
- Confidentiality protections
Implementing Accommodations
Once a student’s ADA eligibility has been verified, there is no need to repeat the registration process unless the student’s situation or needs change, or if the student was approved for temporary accommodations only. Students must request an updated accommodation letter each term to share with your faculty members and Nursing Student Services. If an adjustment to an accommodation is needed, it is the student’s responsibility to reach out to DAS. Accommodations are only determined by DAS.
Once an accommodation plan is generated, it is the student’s responsibility to share this letter with the faculty and SON’s Academic Support Services Manager. This is an official notice of the individual’s ADA eligibility and guidelines related to reasonable accommodations appropriate for the individual’s needs.