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High School Students

The Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing offers an unparalleled four-year undergraduate nursing experience. Students admitted to Emory University as freshmen benefit from a nationally-ranked institution steeped in tradition. Our four-year experience provides a liberal arts focus, a tight-knit community, and access to internationally-recognized health systems.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) gives students a solid foundation for beginning a career as a registered nurse. This program is designed for students who wish to pursue the BSN as their first bachelor’s degree.


First, the Admission Process to Emory College or Oxford College

High school students must first apply for freshman admission through Emory University's Office of Undergraduate Admission. We encourage you to get a jumpstart on researching the admission process at Emory University.

You Have Two Choices at Emory

As we hope you've found over the course of your college search, collegiate success is largely grounded in fit. Where you feel supported, challenged, and empowered is where you will do your best learning. Our firm belief in this ideal is why we offer undergraduate applicants the choice between two different undergraduate experiences at two distinct campuses: Emory College, in Atlanta, GA, and Oxford College in Oxford, GA.

Emory College is a true fit for a student who values academic independence and the resources of one of the largest cities in the country. A student's academics and life outside of class are enhanced by hands-on industry access and internship opportunities.

Oxford College is ideal for a student who seeks an intimate campus and early opportunities for leadership. Oxford students benefit from smaller classes, personal interaction between students and professors, and extensive opportunities to get involved, all of which lay the foundation for the specialized work they do when they continue as juniors at Emory's Atlanta campus.

Second, the Prerequisites

After being accepted to Emory College or Oxford College, students complete the first two years of general education. Students may apply and be admitted to the nursing program while the prerequisites are in progress. All required courses must be completed before enrolling in the BSN program in the fall semester of the junior year.

Emory students applying to the BSN first-degree program will automatically be admitted to the School of Nursing if they meet certain requirements.

Third, the Nursing Education

In the remaining two years at Emory's School of Nursing, you’ll learn the practice of nursing in clinical and classroom settings. The nursing program is designed to be completed in four semesters of full-time enrollment.

Graduates of the BSN program are eligible to take the NCLEX examination to become a Registered Nurse in any U.S. state. BSN graduates can work in a wide array of practices in health care and beyond.

Financial Aid

More than 92 percent of the students in the School of Nursing receive some type of financial assistance.

Clinical Placements

Our students train in numerous clinical sites in Atlanta and across the U.S.

Global Opportunities

At NHWSN, we are preparing nurses to become globally engaged citizens.



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Admission Requirements

Once you complete 60-credit hours of undergraduate coursework, including nursing prerequisites and general education requirements, during your first two years at Emory College or Oxford College, you are eligible to be considered for admission to the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing. All Emory University undergraduates must apply to the BSN program with the following items:

  • Application for Admission‍
  • Copy of Emory transcript
  • Transcripts from institutions outside of Emory University, including dual-enrollment credits and any transfer credit
  • Resume/CV
  • Optional personal statement
  • Manually waived by the Admission Team for Emory University students:
    $50 application fee and standardized test scores

Please review the General Education Requirements tab below for BSN prerequisites and additional requirements. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher by the start date of the BSN program. Prerequisite courses must be completed with a letter grade to receive credit. The School of Nursing does not accept pass/fail grades for prerequisite coursework, nor any additional courses included in the 60-credit hour requirement.

Guaranteed Admission Criteria

Emory University undergraduate students must obtain a cumulative GPA of a 3.0 to receive guaranteed admission into the BSN program. Students whose cumulative GPA is less than a 3.0 will not receive guaranteed admission and will be placed on the waitlist for further review by the Admission Committee. Additional documents, such as updated transcripts and letters of recommendation, may be requested for further review. 


All high school students seeking admission to Emory University as a first-year student and hope to pursue our BSN program in the future must first apply to Emory College or Oxford College through the Office of Undergraduate Admission.

General Education Requirements

All first-degree BSN students must satisfy Emory University Nursing General Education Requirements (GERs) in addition to prerequisite requirements to matriculate to the School of Nursing. Students who fail to provide official transcripts showing these requirements by orientation will be removed from classes and admission will be rescinded. The Nursing Office of the Registrar has final approval of courses meeting GER and prerequisite requirements.

Emory/Oxford College students must complete all first- and second-year requirements (e.g., ECS101, HLTH100, PE, First Year Seminar). Please contact your advisor to ensure you fulfill these requirements.

Additional elective courses will be needed to meet 60 credit hours, excluding pathophysiology, pharmacology, technical, or some applied art, music, or theater courses.

Please review this guidance sheet for more details.

Freshman Experience


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